Non-Industrial Disability Insurance

Understanding Non-Industrial Disability Insurance (NDI)

Non-Industrial Disability Insurance (NDI) is a wage-continuation program that provides partial wages to eligible employees who cannot perform their regular or customary work and experience a loss of wages due to a non-work-related mental or physical disability.

NDI provides a weekly benefit amount for a maximum of 26 weeks per illness or injury, approved benefits are paid on a monthly basis.

Approval and Benefit Information

Although application for NDI benefits is made through the University, the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) administers all claims. EDD determines the period of eligibility, based on doctor’s certification, and authorizes payment on claims.

See the Non-Industrial Disability Insurance (NDI) Information Sheet [pdf] for more information.

See the Nonindustrial Disability Insurance Provisions [pdf] for EDD Guidelines.

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