Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Honors Convocation?
The Honors Convocation is an annual celebration in which San José State University recognizes its undergraduate students from all disciplines who have earned the designation of President’s Scholars.
Invitations to qualified students are typically sent in early March. The President, Provost, and the deans of each college present awards to the honorees.
- What is a President's Scholar?
A President’s Scholar is a matriculated, undergraduate student who has earned an SJSU GPA of 4.0 in 12 letter-graded units for the Spring or Fall semester prior to the Honors Convocation.
Learn more about honor qualifications.
Note: The appropriate honor roll status is shown on the student transcript beneath the semester in which it is earned.
- What do I receive as a President's Scholar?
President's Scholar will receive an honor cord at the ceremony, followed by an electronic certificate from the Provost Office.
- When and where is the Honors Convocation?
The 63rd Honors Convocation will be held at 5:30 pm, Thursday, April 17, 2025, at the Provident Credit Union Event Center.
- Where is the Event Center located?
The Provident Credit Union Event Center is located at 290 S 7th St, San Jose, CA 95112 (corner of South 7th Street and Paseo de San Carlos).
- How do I RSVP?
- How long will the ceremony last?
The ceremony will last approximately 90 mins.
- What is the attire?
Business casual is the suggested attire.
- Can my family and guests bring flowers and/or balloons?
Flowers are acceptable. Helium balloons are NOT allowed in the venue.
Please review the venue's Clear Bag Policy [pdf] and the list of restricted items not permitted inside the venue.
- When should I arrive?
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Please arrive early to allow time for parking and check-in.
Check in at the registration table in front of the Event Center and enter the arena through the courtyard. IDs are not required, just provide your full name.Family and Guests
Family and guests enter through the "Arena Entrance," located to the left of the box office and up the stairs.Accessibility
The Provident Credit Union Event Center is an ADA accessible building on campus. Students and guests with ADA accessibility needs will enter through the designated ground floor entrance of the venue.Guest ADA accessible seating will be available for the person with accessibility needs and one assistant only. All seating inside of the venue is on a first come, first served basis. No reservations are required.
- Are there tickets for guests to attend the event?
The event is FREE to all honorees and their guests. There are NO admission tickets.
- Where do I park for the ceremony?
Parking is available at any of the three main campus garages: North Garage, South Garage, and West Garage. More information can be found here:
- Is there a list of honorees who have been awarded?
Due to FERPA policy, honorees must opt-in to have their names published. View current list of President's Scholars here.
Honor roll status is shown on the student transcript beneath the semester in which it is earned.
- What if I have graduated?
Yes! Graduates are still welcome to attend the ceremony.
If you cannot attend the ceremony, you will receive your electronic certificate by email. The honor cord can be picked up after the ceremony, starting April 18, 2025, from the Provost Office, Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, at Clark Hall Rm. 550.
- I changed my major since receiving the award, can my certificate be reissued to reflect
my new major?
Honor certificates are issued based on the major at the time the honor was earned. Any honors earned after your major was changed will be issued in your new major. This aligns with your official transcript.