Internship Opportunities
The following is a list of opportunities that may interest you. Some agencies have a PDF explaining how to apply for the internship and who to contact. Others may not, but you can visit their website to contact them for more information.
You are not limited to the list below, and the Department of Justice Studies encourages students to find creative and innovative internships. Still, internships NOT on this list require pre-approval. Visit the Unlisted Internships section of the Internship Opportunities page for more information.
- Listed Internship Opportunities
- Alternative Internship Programs
- Forensic Science Internships (require approval)
Listed Internship Opportunities
- California Highway Patrol
Must be under 21 years old
- California Youth Outreach
- Catalyst Project: Anti-Racism For Collective Liberation
- Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)
- Chinese Progressive Association
- Community Legal Services East Palo Alto
- ConXion to Community
- Costco
- Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Alameda County
- Department of Homeland Security: Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) College Intern Program
- County of Santa Clara Office of the Sherrif: Elmwood Sheriff’s Office Custody Bureau
- Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY)
- Geogentia Geospatial Intelligence
- Email Brandon Gregg @
- Health Access Foundation
- Human Agenda — CLARO
- Working Partnerships USA: The Interfaith Council on Economic and Justice
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- California Courts: The Judicial Branch of California (Bay Area & Superior Court) —
JusticeCorps Program
- Download JusticeCorps Program Details [pdf]
- Submit a JusticeCorps Interest Form [Google Forms]
- Latinas Contra Cancer
- Law Offices of Bernadette W. Connolly
- Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence - Kids Club
- Police Amateur Athletic Foundation (PAAF)
- Recovery Investigation Agency
- Sacred Heart Community Service: Sacred Heart Center for Poverty Internship Program
- County of San Benito: Probation Department
- San Francisco Living Wage Coalition
- San José State University Police Department (UPD) Cadet Program
- County of Santa Clara: Probation Department: Research and Development Unit (RAD): Avaliable for Spring 2026
- County of Santa Clara: Public Defender Office: Student Internship Program
- County of Santa Clara: Office of Reentry Services
- County of Santa Cruz: Probation Department
- Santa Cruz County Public Defender Investigative Intern
- Services, Immigrant Rights, & Education Network (SIREN)
- Silicon Valley Council for Nonprofits (SVCN)
- Silicon Valley De-Bug
- Silicon Valley Digital Forensics Laboratory
- Social Justice Collaborative (SJC) Oakland
- Somos Mayfair
- Alameda County Human Resources Services Department: Step-Up Program — For Employment of Individuals with Severe Disabilities
- Street Level Health Project
- TJX Loss Prevention Internship