Students walking through the Paseo with a water fountain on the foreground.

Telling Stories of Transformation at SJSU

In collaboration with its SJSU partners, University Marketing and Communications (UMC) shares stories of our students, faculty, staff and alumni through strategic communications and marketing. With digital platforms, marketing campaigns, collateral materials, training and other resources, UMC has you covered! To help reinforce the powerful SJSU brand, we've created an extensive set of standards, tools, templates and guidelines for everyone’s use.

Brand & Project Resources

SJSU branded marketing materials displayed on the table.

SJSU Brand Style Guide

It’s vital that all SJSU communicators understand our brand and incorporate it into all their comms and marketing materials! Review our latest brand guidelines for how to communicate and utilize visual mediums such as photography, videography and more.

UMC employees working in a conference room with a zoom on the large screen showing a hybrid workspace.

Self-Service Portal & Resources

Find resources you need to execute your projects. UMC provides self-serve resources such as templates, music, photography as well as full-service support for projects that align with the university’s Transformation 2030 strategic plan and leadership objectives.

SJSU photographer in the middle of a crowd taking photos.

Photography Requests

If you are not able to find specific photography from our SJSU Photo Library, you can submit a photography service request form to request what you need.

Branded mug and business cards with sjsu marks.

University Marks

The use of university marks across all platforms and materials helps to deepen recognition of SJSU among our audiences and visually connects the many ways we tell the stories of Spartans.

Digital letterheads and lockups examples.

Request Identity Assets

Submit a request for an official campus unit identity lockup, branded electronic letterheads and/or SJSU Spartan Typeface.

A man on a computer typing with branding materials on their desk.

Can't Find What You're Looking For?

Please reach out to our UMC team with with your questions. We are here to help.

Contact Our Team

Storytelling at SJSU

SJSU NewsCenter: San Jose State's Official News Source.

SJSU NewsCenter

As the official news source for San José State University, the SJSU NewsCenter provides accurate, informative and compelling stories from the Spartan community.

WSQ logo on a vibrant circuit board on fire.

Washington Square: The Magazine

Washington Square serves as SJSU’s university and alumni magazine, focusing on telling the best stories that embody the Spartan pride and resilience we all treasure.