2014 Presidential Commission on Diversity

Charge of Commission

The President's Commission on Diversity is charged with advising the president of San Jose State on creating an inclusive campus environment and community, which includes assessing the current campus climate; aligning, integrating and improving current institutional policies and educational practices; and addressing the following recommendations from the "University Action Plan: Toward a More Welcoming Community" related to the 2014 Special Task Force on Racial Discrimination:

  1. Gather best practices and engage the campus community for feedback regarding diversity engagement and inclusive excellence on the campus, which will provide the basis for a cohesive diversity plan and organizational structure for diversity efforts at San Jose State;
  2. Implement a campus climate survey to assess the current environment at San Jose State;
  3. Review the Diversity Master Plan and provide recommendations on the plan to the President;
  4. Review the commission's charge and membership structure to make appropriate recommendations to the president;
  5. Coordinate at least one forum per semester on diversity, which will include an update on the status of the implementation of the recommendations [pdf] of the 2014 Special Task Force on Racial Discrimination.
  6. Video coverage of the 2014 Special Task Force meetings can be found here

Commission Members

Visit the Commission Roster page to see the members of the President's Commission on Diversity.


The commission provides input, recommendations and advice to the president on effective ways to create a campus environment that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.

The commission will examine the broad areas outlined in the university's "Key Principles of Diversity."  

Three students smiling while in conversation.Institutional Viability and Vitality

Our capacity to plan, implement and assess a comprehensive diversity approach that aligns with our public mission.

two students and one professor in class, the professor is pointing.Education and Scholarship

The diversity content of our courses, faculty engagement with diversity issues and student learning related to diversity.

Four students dressed in Academic Regalia at Graduation Ceremonies.Access and Success

The success (retention, graduation, honors) of our various student populations by level (undergraduate and graduate) by demographics (race, gender, ethnicity, income, etc.) and fields (the arts, business, education, science and technology).

A woman smiling and gesturing with her hands.Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations

The individual and group social interactions among students, faculty, staff and perceptions of institutional commitment to diversity.

A student waiving a Rainbow-Colored Flag.Diversity

The active appreciation, engagement and support of all campus members in terms of their backgrounds, identities and experiences (as constituted by gender, socioeconomic class, political perspective, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, regional origin, nationality, occupation, language, among others, and the intersection of these aspects). This definition emerged from San Jose State campus members via focus groups in 2008. 

Two students in conversation while smiling.Inclusive Excellence

An institutional commitment to create and sustain a context of diversity through which all members thrive, feel valued and attain personal and professional success. One specific focus here is to use diversity as an educational resource and knowledge domain for students, and as a central ingredient for their academic success.

Document Archive

Documents associated with the work of the Commission, including Agendas and Minutes can be found here.