Year 3: HSI Grant: Summer Research Internship

Friday, June 7, 2024 - Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ali Mehran, Armin Moghadam, Ben Reed, Carlos Rojas, David Parent, Feruza Amirkulova, Lin Jiang, Mojtaba Sharifi, Patrick Jurney, & Santosh KC

In the Summer of 2024, Gavilan CC and SJCC Students participated in the Summer Student Research Internship Program with SJSU Faculty Members. We had a total of 10 SJSU Faculty mentors working with students throughout their research projects. Each group is working fully in person, hybrid, or strictly online, but they do meet every week to discuss the status of the project and what to do next.

The students will present their results to their families, colleagues, and faculty members at their designated college.

  • SJCC presented on Wednesday, August 14, 2024
  • Gavilan CC presented on Thursday, August 15, 2024

The projects were:

  • Ali Mehran
    • Autonomous remote sensing, using UAV systems Socioeconomic drought and hydrology.
  • Armin Moghadam
    • Application of computer vision and deep learning in manufacturing in semiconductor manufacturing. 
  • Ben Reed
    • Mastodon Social network. I want to implement a basic Mastodon (more specifically ActivityPub) server in Java that we can experiment with and gain experience in Java web server and client development, JSON processing, database, and ActivityPub in general. 
  • Carlos Rojas
    • Machine learning/visualization to investigate problems in genomics. 
  • David Parent
    • Semiconductor Process Optimization for Workforce devlopement.
  • Feruza Amirkulova
    • Deep learning and optimization model development for acoustic metamaterial design; sound and vibration simulations and measurements. 
  • Lin Jiang
    • Advancing Robot-Assisted Surgical Training Proficiency through Brain Interface Headset and Haptic Glove
  • Mojtaba Sharifi
    • Development and control of assistive robotic systems including lower-limb and upper-limb exoskeletons and active walkers.
  • Patrick Jurney
    • To develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for performing microflow experiments utilizing a state-of-the-art 3D holotomographic microscope.
  • Santosh KC
    • Computational Materials

Total of Mentors: 10

Total of Students: 26


Gavilan CC: 10