Welcome to Industrial & Systems Engineering!

Industrial & Systems Engineering in Society

What sets industrial and systems engineering apart from other engineering disciplines is its broader scope. An IE deals with people and processes and focuses on productivity improvement for any type of industry, business or institution, from retail establishments to manufacturing plants to government offices to hospitals. An Industrial and System Engineer examines the "big picture" of how society performs best and tries to establish the right combination of human resources, natural resources and man-made structures and equipment. An IE bridges the gap between management and operations, addressing people issues as well as deciding which processes and tools be used at the right time and place.  

More specifically, the ISE department mission at San Jose State University is to be a preeminent ISE department that empowers its engineering students to effectively apply engineering knowledge to the evaluation, design, and operation of complex industrial, service, and governmental systems comprised of people, equipment, and supplies through the application of modern practice-oriented learning tools and techniques to improve system processes and services.  The students learn to:

  • Improve
    • Quality of Products and Services
    • Security
    • Quality of Work Life of Employees
    • Services to Customers
    • On-Time Performance
  • Minimize
    • Costs
    • Delays
  • Reduce
    • Risk of Injury
    • Human Errors
    • Waste
    • Variability

Job Outlook in Industrial & Systems Engineering

The demand for ISE's has grown due to the need for organizations to increase their productivity through systematic approaches. ISE salaries are as competitive as other engineering majors and many move on into top management positions due to the training they receive.

ISE majors have careers in various organizations such as: Manufacturing, Hospitals, Computers, Semiconductors, Restaurant chains, Airlines and airports, Government agencies, Armed forces, Biomedical Device, Worldwide distribution and delivery companies, Entertainment companies and Retail chains. ISE majors also hold various job titles such as: Industrial Engineer, Systems Engineer, Management Engineer, Quality Engineer, Production Engineer, Logistics Planner, Supply Chain Manager, Plant Manager, Manufacturing Engineer, Process Engineer, Project Manager, Management Consultant, Ergonomist, Human Factors Engineer, Reliability Engineer, Methods Engineer, etc.

Hence, ISE majors have flexibility in the choice of type of organization to work for and the career path within the organization and they develop solutions for the sample issues as listed below:

  • How can we reduce the waiting time for the Space Mountain ride at Disneyland?
  • How should the plant be laid out?
  • Where should the departments and stations go to maximize output and minimize cost?
  • Should a conveyor system be used? If so, what kind?
  • How fast should the conveyor move?
  • When should the items be inspected?
  • How many items can fail before we stop the line?
  • How should an assembler’s bins be arranged?
  • Where should the soldering iron go?
  • How can worker safety be enhanced?
  • Should the chair have arms? Foot rest? Back?
  • How should letters & packages be: Sorted?  Processed? Delivered?
  • What routes are most efficient for: Planes, Trucks, Letter carriers?
  • Supply resources to military bases?
  • Meet demand without violating current requirements?
  • Where to Fly and how often?
  • Ticket prices 2 month before and 1 week before?
  • Ensure that those with reservations get a seat?
  • Maximize the probability that the flight is full?
  • Design the flight routes?
  • What is the optimal design of an airplane cockpit? What types of switches?  Toggle, Pressure or Dimmer? What light flashing frequencies? 1 or 2 flashes per second?  Best colors for recognition? Best placement for controls?
  • What information can we extract from Position Emission Tomography (PET) scans to determine if a person has Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • Emergency room staffing to minimize patient wait times and maximize resource utilization?

The table below is a sample of our alumni’s employers and their job titles which reflects the flexibility of organizations and job titles ISE majors hold.

Current Employers and Position Titles of SJSU Graduates in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Current Employers and Position Titles of SJSU Graduates in Industrial and Systems Engineering.

Student Clubs

The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (iise.org) is the national organization that represents the profession. SJSU student chapter 806 is highly active and has won numerous gold awards. The student chapters mission is to organize several social and professional activities throughout the year. Through these activities, students are encouraged to network within the department, with members of industry and with other universities. Students find opportunities to develop their skills in communication, leadership, teamwork, and planning. Specifically, the student chapter has held the following activities: resume reviews and mock interviews, alumni mentoring, professional tours to various organizations, attend IISE Western Regional conferences, fundraising events, invite guest speakers, publishing of a newsletter, tutoring, as well social events like hiking, game nights, BBQ, formal dinners, and bowling. IISE student members also enjoy access to an ISE student club room, equipped with a microwave and fridge, couches for relaxing between classes, whiteboards and tables for homework and group project work.  

Aside from the IISE student chapter, ISE students participate in other engineering organizations Society of Manufacturing (SME), the Black Alliance of Scientists and Engineers (BASE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), the Mesa Engineering Program (MEP), and others. Outside of the College of Engineering are hundreds of student organizations to explore. 


Please feel free to contact our department chair, Dr. Yasser Dessouky (yasser.dessouky@sjsu.edu) for general questions and information about the program. You may also contact Dr. Anil Kumar (anil.kumar@sjsu.edu), the advisor of the IISE student chapter. Please visit our website Industrial and Systems Engineering (sjsu.edu) to learn more about the department and research interests of faculty.