Curriculum Reports

Updates to Curriculum Processes 

Curriculum Updates

Approved Curriculum Proposals 

2024-2025 What's New catalog page.

2023-2024 What's New catalog page.

2022-2023 What's New catalog page.

2021-2022 What's New catalog page.

2020-2021 What's New catalog page.

Alternatively, you may log onto the Curriculog and used the "Advanced Filter" in the "All Proposals" tab to view completed proposals.

For older historical proposals, we are building a virtual archive (SJSU authentication required).

Course Impact Reports

The Course Impact Report provides report for a particular course, such as prerequisites, corequisites, cross-listings, and programs listing information. Impact reports are only available for courses. Impact Reports can be run in Curriculog using the New Course Proposal or Modify an Existing Course Proposal. You can also run individual impact reports per course in the Reports section (instructions linked).

Alternatively, you may also request a report from the Curriculum Office.