Intern Program

Intern Institute

Intern Program Requirements

Intern Program Application

Intern Program Fieldwork Requirements

Intern Program Requirements

In order to participate in our Special Education Intern program, students must:

Apply for the Intern Program

Complete each of the documents below. Email completed forms to Dr. Lisa Simpson, email : . Be sure to read all forms carefully and submit the required documentation with each form.

Once the completed application (all 5 items below) is reviewed and approved, you will be provided with an Intern Memo to take to our Credential Services Office to apply for the Intern Credential. 

Summer Intern Institute July 15-18, 2024

Register for the Intern Institute

Completing Fieldwork Requirements in the Intern Program

Education Specialist Credential programs are three semester programs. Candidates are eligible to be part of the Intern Program in semesters two and three of their program. (Candidates who hold a Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential may become an Intern in their first semester.) Interns must be assigned a district support provider who provides weekly support to the intern and assists the intern in meeting the goals of the professional development plan.

In semester two, Interns enroll in EDSE 234 Early Fieldwork and are required to complete 200 hours of supervised student teaching in special education and general education settings, as are all credential candidates. This requirement must be worked out with the employer in advance of enrolling in the course. There are a number of ways to meet the student teaching requirement in the employment setting but it must include observation of the mentor while he/she is teaching and time spent co-teaching with the mentor teacher. Intern candidates should arrange a meeting with the fieldwork coordinator/ department chair and the employer to create a plan for meeting the student teaching requirement prior to enrolling in EDSE 234.

In the third semester of the program Interns enroll in EDSE 217A or EDSE 154 according to their program roadmap. Interns complete 400 hours of supervised fieldwork in their own classroom setting with guidance from the support provider and the University Supervisor. The University supervisor makes a minimum of 6 formal observations of lessons and provides feedback to the Intern. The supervisor also holds twice monthly seminars for additional support. 

Interns are assigned a University Supervisor who will make observations of their lessons and provide feedback in both fieldwork courses. University Supervisors also hold twice monthly seminars to provide additional support to the interns. Education Specialist Interns are responsible for logging 144 hours of general support and supervision across the academic year and 45 hours of support and supervision across the academic year related to teaching English learners. These logs are kept in the CANVAS shell for each fieldwork course and are reviewed by the University Supervisor. Options for accruing support hours are discussed in the intern seminars.