Curriculum Committee

Curriculum committee reviewing courses for approval

All curricular proposals are reviewed at several levels within San Jose State University. The University requires consultation for course proposals if they impact other departments. CHHS requires consultation (as described below) for any program revisions or new program proposals [pdf] as the curriculum development process is complex and must be reviewed for issues related to planning, enrollment and resource implications.  

Major curricular changes and revisions, experimental courses and proposed new programs are most often initiated and reviewed at the department/school level for discipline content, integrity and need. However, prior to submitting a new proposal, consultation with the college and approriate campus entity (Undergraduate Education, College of Graduate Studies and College of Global and Professional Education (if relevant) must be conducted. Following department/school approval, the modifications or proposal is forwarded to the college committee for review. This committee, consisting of representatives from each department/school within CHHS, reviews proposals and makes recommendations. Other curricular changes such as new programs or changes in degrees will require additional review at the University Policy Committee of Curriculum and Research.

Course Modifications (formerly called minor course changes) are reviewed only by the Associate Dean and forwarded to the Office of Curriculum. Most commonly, these are changes of course number, title, or description. Unless a change in course description and title is "so removed from the current description and title that it is truly a new course," you can submit proposals for any changes or modifications to existing courses. 

Finding and Submitting Forms

Forms are available in Curriculog.

All materials to be considered by the College Curriculum Committee for review must be submitted via Curriculog at least ten (10) days prior to the monthly meetings in time for the deadline set by the Curriculum Committee Annual Calendar.

College Curriculum Committee Calendar 2025-2026 [pdf]


After department curriculum committees and chairs/school directors review and recommend proposed curriculum for approval, the proposals are reviewed at the college and university review. These deadlines are established with lead times for new courses and degree changes to appear in the Schedule of Classes or SJSU Academic Catalog, or if they need to be routed to the Chancellor's office for final approval. Curriculum proposers should refer to the University Deadlines for guidance on the timing of their intended curriculum proposals. 

For additional guidance, departments can refer to the checklist below to ensure accuracy of the submission. All curriculum proposals must include the materials outlined below, if applicable. 

Proposers should refer to the Curriculum Guide for Proposers HERE

CHHS Checklist for Departmental Curriculum Submissions 

  • Step 1: Before beginning any curricular development, first consult the SJSU curriculum website for additional guidance on the different levels of approval [pdf] that each type of proposal will go through as well as what documentation will be required for the specific curriculum proposal that will be submitted.
  • Step 2: Be sure that consultation, when warranted and in particular for new program proposals, new concentrations or significant program changes, has taken place with (in the following order):
    • 1) The CHHS Associate Dean for Curriculum, Matthew Massucci
    • 2) The campus Curriculum and Academic Program Analyst and
    • 3) A representative from either Undergraduate Education or the College of Graduate Studies before moving forward with any proposal
  • Step 3: Department approval (with documentation if required) has been obtained prior to submission in Curriculog through your respective department curriculum approval process. Please see your Chair/Director if you are unfamiliar with this step in the process.
  • Step 4: Begin to develop your curriculum proposal by drafting the required attachments (proposal narrative, course syllabi, roadmaps, assessment plan, etc) . Please note each proposal will require different documentation, it is crucial that proposers have completed Step 1 and consulted the SJSU curriculum website to see what  they will need.
    • Important things to note for proposals that require a course syllabus: Syllabus must use the accessible template [docx] or your proposal may be subject to delays which can result in missing college and university deadlines
    • Analyze syllabus language to ensure that it is not discouraging or hostile for students-especially first generation students and historically underrepresented populations.
      • The classroom has many opportunities to capitalize on the presence of representational diversity both in our community and particularly with our teaching. The following link has resources to create a healthy and as safe an environment possible for all student learners:
  • Step 5: Proposals are submitted via Curriculog. If this is your first time using this system,  it is recommended that new Curriculog users and those new to making curricular revisions attend a Curriculum Process and Curriculog Training. Complete the proposal in its entirety and ensure that all required attachments are attached in the system to avoid any delays.
  • Step 6: Launch and approve your proposal so it can begin its journey through the approval process. 

Curriculum Committee Department Representatives


David Daum - Co-Chair

Graham Teaford - Co-Chair
Occupational Therapy

Lisa Rauch

Mi Zhou
Nutrition, Food Science and Packaging

Ni Zhang
Public Health and Recreation

Jennifer Price Wolf 
Social Work

Anusha Yellamsetty

Dawn Hackman - Ex officio member 
Library Liaison

Matthew Masucci - Ex officio member
Associate Dean

Enjoli Pescheta 
Dean's Support Staff