- What are the various types of supported instruction offered at SJSU?
Stretch courses - a two-semester sequence (Fall/Spring) that presents a built-in review of pre-baccalaureate math topics
Co-requisite courses - a 1 unit college level or pre-baccalaureate course that is taken concurrently with a GE math/quantitative reasoning course
Labs, workshops, and activities
Tutorial services and counseling services
- What is the difference between the “S” and “W” course?
The “S” course reviews background material and provides the additional support needed to be successful. Students with an enrollment category of M-III and M-IV are required to enroll in the co-requisite “S” course. While it is optional for students with an M-II enrollment category.
The “W” courses are workshops specifically designed to help all students excel in their math course while laying the groundwork for success in future math courses. Most work is done in groups.
- What is an enrollment category?
The enrollment category is used to determine the appropriate General Education (GE) area A2 writing course and GE area B4 math/QR course based on multiple factors including, grade point average, completed high school coursework, transfer-level coursework, and scores on standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, CAASPP/EAP, and Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate examinations as well as your intended major.
- Why is this enrollment category important?
To ensure the most appropriate enrollment option for student’s freshman-level math/QR and writing course, considering the knowledge and skill developed in these courses are foundational to student success in all college studies.
- When will students receive notification regarding the enrollment categories?
All students will be notified shortly after the Intent to Enroll Deadline via MySJSU messaging. Please note that the enrollment category may change as we continue to receive final high school transcripts, test scores, and transfer coursework.
- How can I determine the accuracy of my math enrollment category?
Identify your math enrollment category by using the appropriate flowchart below:
What Are My Math/QR Course Options For Majors Not Requiring Calculus (Non-STEM)? [pdf]
What Are My Math/QR Course Options For Majors Requiring Calculus (STEM)? [pdf]
- How can I verify my writing enrollment category is accurate?
Use the flowchart below to identify your writing enrollment category:
- Who can I contact if I have questions about my enrollment category?
Please contact your College Success Center
- When should I enroll in GE area A2 (written communication) and/or B4 (math/quantitative
reasoning) courses?
All students in enrollment categories II and III, must enroll in GE area A2 and B4 courses in their first year of enrollment and must remain continuously enrolled in A2 and B4 courses until these GE requirements are met. Students in enrollment category IV are required to enroll in their first semester, while it is recommended for students in enrollment category III.
CSU Policy Documents
CSU Executive Order 1110 Summary Sheet [pdf]
CSU Chancellor's Coded Memorandum [pdf]