Graduate Student Orientation

Welcome to San José State University and to your graduate career, likely the most energizing part of your educational journey!

We have revised our former orientation program to be more useful to students at different times in their graduate career entitled Graduate Pathways for Success.  This is a Canvas course all registered students will be enrolled in and will serve as a helpful roadmap resource.  While this course is not mandatory, we encourage you to take advantage of it.  

We hope to plan an on campus community event for graduate students to have fun with each other tentatively scheduled for August 15.  However, it may be held later in the year. More information will be available as we work through the scheduling process.

Graduate school is one of the most impactful journeys in your educational career, as it is the highest level of formal education and often launches your independent career as a life-long learner and creator of knowledge. Because of this, it can be both supremely fulfilling and sometimes, very challenging. Our goal in the College of Graduate Studies is to help you get the most out of the journey and navigate any challenges you encounter. To do this, we would like to share with you a wide array of useful information, resources, and supports that are available to assure your pathway to success. But there is a lot of information!

To make the information available to you when you need it most, we have designed our graduate school  “orientation” to provide information throughout your graduate career at the most relevant time rather than in one big program at the beginning. 

Please monitor your MySJSU account and your preferred email, as information and invitations are released about Graduate Pathways for Success through those accounts.

Explore the Graduate Student Handbook