Interviews with Retired SJSU Faculty

SJSU is fortunate to have been one of 15 campuses nation-wide to receive a Transitions to Retirement award from the American Council on Education and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. As part of this award, we have created a series of brief videotaped interviews with retired SJSU faculty. We have sought to provide a window onto their experience as they contemplated, completed and then adjusted to retirement. Our hope is that current faculty will find these perspectives useful as they consider their own career paths.

Interview Questions

We asked our interviewees to share with us the following:

  • What considerations prompted them to begin thinking about retirement
  • What steps they took (the people they spoke with, the information they gathered, the events they attended, and the like) once they began thinking about retirement
  • How their actual experience of retirement compared with their pre-retirement expectations
  • What they have found easy and what they have found challenging about retirement
  • What they wish they had known earlier, about the process or about what to expect
  • What advice they cared to share with other faculty, in order to help them with their transitions to retirement
  • What keeps them busy and active, now that they are retired
  • How, if at all, they remain connected with SJSU



This video segment consists of excerpts from our interviews with retired faculty, as they address the question of what they would have liked to know before they retired, or what advice they would like to offer current faculty.

Watch the video on advice for current faculty

Click on the names below and you will be linked to their interview.


photo of Juana Acrivos

Juana Acrivos

Watch the interview with Juana Acrivos

Back to the List of Interviews

  Jill Cody
Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism

Watch the interview with Jill Cody

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 phyllis connolly

Phyllis Connolly

Watch the interview with Phyllis Connolly 

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 Abdel El-Shaieb Abdel El-Shaieb
Organization and Management

Watch the interview with Abdel El-Shaieb

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 Photo of Bob Gliner Bob Gliner

Watch the interview with Bob Gliner

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Photo of Patrick Hamill

Patrick Hamill

Watch the interview with Pat Hamill

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 Cynthia Margolin

  Cindy Margolin

Watch the interview with Cindy Margolin

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Photo of Bill McCraw

Bill McCraw
Political Science and Humanities

Watch the interview with Bill McCraw

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 Susan Meyers

 Susan Meyers
Special Education and College of Education

Watch interview with Susan Meyers

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Photo of Denise Murray

Denise Murray
Linguistics and Language Development

Watch the interview with Denise Murray

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Photo of Pat Nichols

Pat Nichols
Linguistics and Language Development

Watch the intervew with Pat Nichols

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Photo of Arlene Okerlund

Arlene Okerlund
English and Comparative Literature

Watch the interview with Arlene Okerlund

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Photo of John Pollock

John Pollock
English and Comparative Literature

Watch the interview with John Pollock

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 Terri Thames

Terri Thames

Watch the interview with Terri Thames

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 Jo Bell Whitlatch

Jo Bell Whitlatch

Watch the interview with Jo Belle Whitlach

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Dennis Wilcox

Dennis Wilcox
Journalism and Mass Communications

Watch the interview with Dennis Wilcox

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 Marian Yoder

Marian Yoder

Watch the interview with Marian Yoder

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