Waivers for Remedial Courses
Each conditionally admitted student must pass the DATA 200, 201 or 202 waiver tests listed in their admission letter, or the corresponding DATA 200, 201 or 202 class. Each of these courses are offered each semester. A student who fails these tests can not take another waiver test in any future semester. A student who fails one of these tests must enroll in the corresponding DATA 200, 201 or 202 course.
DATA 200 (Computational Programming for Data Analytics), DATA 201 (Database Technologies for Data Analytics) and DATA 202 (Mathematics for Applied Data Science) are remedial courses. They are designed to improve your chances of success in taking degree-required courses. These courses do not count towards your degree requirements and are graded on a Credit/Non-Credit basis, meaning they will not impact your overall grade point average. All conditional and degree-required courses share the same tuition structure.
You must pass DATA 200 before enrolling in DATA 230, DATA 201 before enrolling in DATA 226, and DATA 202 before enrolling in DATA 220. Your student status will be updated from Conditionally Classified to Classified after the semester you have passed all three conditional courses.
The DATA 200 waiver test validates your competency in computational thinking and problem-solving with Python. Test questions are selected from data structures, algorithms, iterations, functions, standard libraries, functional programming, object-oriented programming, applications to data processing, data analytics, data visualization and database manipulation.
The DATA 201 waiver test validates your competency in database technologies for data analytics. Test questions are selected from file organization and storage structure, database system architecture, entity relationship model, normalization techniques, SQL, relational algebra, storage organization, query processing and concurrent control.
The DATA 202 waiver test validates your competency in mathematical and statistical methods for applied data science. Test questions are selected from calculus, probability, descriptive statistics, and linear algebra, and Python programming for numerical implementation of mathematical and statistical methods.
All tests are closed book and closed note. Only pens, pencils and erasers are allowed to be on the table. Each student must also present a government-issued identification with a photo.
The DATA 200, 201 and 202 Waiver Tests will be offered before the second week of Fall and Spring semesters. In order to take this test, a student must (1) indicate “Intent to Enroll” via Next Steps and (2) RSVP to the department test notice when posted.