How to Donate
Donate by Credit Card
You can make a donation securely at the SJSU Giving Page by clicking the button below and following these directions:
- IMPORTANT: Please select option "Choose a giving opportunity."
- In the search box, type in "African American Studies."

Donate by regular mail
If you prefer to mail your gift contribution to a particular program within the AFAM Department, please read instructions below.
- Please make check payable to:
- Tower Foundation
- On memo line of check, note the program and/or AFAM Department
- Tower Foundation
- Please send check to:
Tower Foundation
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0183
Gifts at Any Level are Welcome
San José State University Foundation is a nonprofit, educational organization, exempt from federal taxation under section 501(c)(3). Contributions to the Department of African American Studies through the Foundation are therefore tax-deductible.