Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS

The Interdisciplinary Studies BA/BS is designed for situations in which an existing SJSU undergraduate degree major does not adequately accommodate academic professional aims.

In consultation with the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education, a student may create an individually designed, interdisciplinary course of study leading to a BA or BS Interdisciplinary Studies degree. The Interdisciplinary Studies allows a student to fulfill specific educational objectives when existing majors do not exist for the accomplishment of those goals. 

Students who complete the Interdisciplinary Studies shall be able to demonstrate the characteristics of “intentional learners” who can adapt to new environments, integrate knowledge from different sources, and continue learning throughout their life.

The Interdisciplinary Studies program may not be used to bypass normal graduation requirements or projected programs of the University, nor to substitute for a major in which a student is having academic difficulty.

Eligibility Requirements

Students meeting the requirements below are eligible to apply for the Interdisciplinary Studies through the Office of Undergraduate Education.

Minimum Qualification Requirements:

  1. 2.75 (or better) in both "all college" and "SJSU" GPA
  2. upper division standing (earned at least 60 units) 
  3. have at least one year of academic work still to be completed to meet minimum degree requirements.

Preferred Qualifications:

  1. 2.75 (or better) in both "all college" and "SJSU" GPA
  2. 60 units completed
  3. CORE (lower-division) GE completed
  4. American Institutions completed
  5. Physical Education requirement completed

Application Process

If you meet eligibility requirements and want to apply for Interdisciplinary Studies, BA or Interdisciplinary Studies, BS, please submit the following:

  1. Speak with a Major Advisor (or career/academic advisor)
  2. A written reflective statement that includes:
    1. description of the proposed major;
    2. discussion of why existing majors are not suitable;
    3. a reflection on what it means to the student to be an “educated person” and how this major will help the you to become one;
    4. academic, professional, and personal objectives; and,
    5. how does your Interdisciplinary Studies major help you to meet your academic, professional, and personal objectives?
  3. Submit reflection statement and copies of all external transcripts to

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How will my Interdisciplinary Studies degree appear on my diploma?
    The diploma and transcript will contain the title, "Interdisciplinary Studies", followed by the exact title of the major listed on the Change of Major Form.
  2. Who handles the change of major paperwork?
    If approved, UE will handle the change of major paperwork on behalf of the student.