
svce members greeting each other

Please read these instructions before submitting your entry to the SVBPC

Apply to the 2025 SVBPC

Step 1: Registration

  1. Registration is now available
  2. Sign up for an account with YouNoodle if you do not currently have one
  3. Click on “Create a new application”
  4. Complete at least the first two questions on the “Application Form” tab:
    i. Startup Name
    ii. Describe your business in 7 words or less
  5. Click on “Save”
  6. Invite team members under the “Team Management” tab
  7. Complete all entries from the “Personal Form” tab
  8. Click on “Save” and “Next”

Only one member of each team must complete registration. Please submit the above information ASAP to confirm participation.

Step 2: Submitting your complete entry

  1. Please log in to the Registration podium and submit responses to all required questions to complete your application:
  2. A Business Plan document that includes 1-page Executive Summary and responses to the set of questions posted under “Guidelines for BP document” in the application form tab; 
  3. A Pitch deck (10 slides max.); and

iii. A video pitch of 60-90 seconds. 

  1. Click on “Submit Application” at the end of the “Checklist” tab.
  2. Click on the “Status’” tab to confirm that your entry is received.

The “Status” tab shows the details of your Entry and Submission Status with the announced results if any.

Step 3: Editing your entry

  1. You can edit your entry up to the submission deadline.
  2. Login to your account, scroll down to the bottom of the “Checklist” tab, and click on “Un-submit Application.”
  3. You can make your changes to it (including replacing uploaded files) and once again click on “Submit Entry.”