How to Search the Steinbeck Bibliography
The Steinbeck Bibliography is a growing collection of more than 12,000 citations and abstracts from journals, popular magazines, and newspapers. You can find information on reviews of Steinbeck’s novels, criticisms, discussions of characters, interviews, events, film reviews, history, politics, his travels, and articles written and published by Steinbeck.
Go to the Steinbeck Bibliography Site
How to Search
- Use Quick Search to start a full text search of listed citations and abstracts.
- In the Quick Search box, enter a complete phrase or use a suggested keyword to start the search.
- Enter another phrase or keyword to narrow your search. Each result narrows your previous search.
- To change, update, or start a new search, click the Clear Search/Restart button and enter a different phrase or keyword.
- Go back to previous results by clicking on your search term to the right of the Quick Search box.
- Sort by date by entering a year in the Date field.
- The Author, Title, Journal, Subject, and Date fields use exact phrases or an author’s last name.
To request a complete article, copy the title and record number, then paste and email to
- Search using a complete phrase or keyword such as: Author’s style or Teaching materials.
- Narrow your search by entering another phrase or keyword. Enter search Mice and Men.
- To further narrow the results, enter Play production to get citations for background information on the play.
- Sort the results with the Author, Title, Journal, Subject, and Date fields.
To request the complete article, copy the title and record number and paste in an email to
Keyword Glossary
Titles of novels and keywords will autofill, so double-check search terms before pressing enter. Use keywords to narrow your search to related articles.
Actors – Actors or cast members discussed or interviewed in any Steinbeck production
Artwork – Paintings, sculptures, illustrations
Author’s style – A criticism or reference to Steinbeck’s writing style, philosophy and process
Author’s travels – Steinbeck’s travels, touring. Use the proper place name. See also travelogue.
Awards – Any award or prize
Biography – Articles contain information on Steinbeck’s life
Biographies – Book reviews or production of an in-depth biography on Steinbeck
Book, Film, Musical, Opera, Play, Television – Use with review or production
Camps – Arvin, Weedpatch or federal camps
Censorship – Ban, banned, burned
Characters – Characters in Steinbeck’s fiction are discussed
Collections – Reference to archives, libraries, and private collections
Correspondence – Reference to and of letters between Steinbeck and others
Criticism – In-depth article on Steinbeck’s writings, style, characters, process, symbolism
Ecology – Environment, nature
Events – Birthdays, conferences, exhibits, festivals, community readings
Excerpt – Any Steinbeck work published in part, usually in a magazine or journal
Family – For general searching. Or use a proper name: Carol, Gwyn, Elaine (wives) Olive (mother) John (father) Mary, Beth, Esther (sisters) Thomas or Thom, John IV (sons)
Friends – For general searching. Or use a proper name: Ricketts, Benchley, Campbell, Covici,
Kazan, Sheffield, etc.
History – Historical content and context around Steinbeck’s life, works, locales, homes, travels
Homes – Reference to anywhere Steinbeck lived, the houses or towns, estate sales
Humor – Satire, parody
Interview – Interview or quotes about Steinbeck, from the author, family, friends, or scholars
Legal – Lawsuit or legal action
Lecture – Classroom or conference talks
Locales – Places named, used, or mentioned in Steinbeck’s works, Steinbeck country
Migrants – For migrant farm workers
Music – Musicians, music, songs, librettos, recordings
National Steinbeck Center – Located in Salinas and not at San José State University
Obituary – Memorial, memorial service, eulogy for Steinbeck, family, friends
Okies – Specific reference to the Midwest migrants of the dust bowl
Original work – Steinbeck articles published in journals, newspapers, or magazines. To see a list
of magazine and newspaper articles written by Steinbeck, enter “Steinbeck” in the
Author field and “Original work” in the Subject/Keyword field.
Politics – A mention or reference of politics
Production – Backstory on development of a work or adaptation. Use with book, play, film, opera or television. Information on reprints, copies, pricing, sales and publishing
Religion – Steinbeck’s use and criticisms of religious reference
Review – Critical evaluations of a specific work, use with Book, Film, Opera, Play, etc
Scholars – Information on research by and for scholars
Teaching materials – Classroom, school, curricula, student guides, textbooks, young adult, project suggestions, censorship history
Translations – Information on translated edition
Travelogue – Articles on Steinbeck’s travels, locales and homes. See also author’s travels.
Unpublished – For works not officially published