Charles Kunsman Scholarship

$1,000 - $1500 awarded in even-numbered years

The Charles Kunsman Scholarship was created by former students of this popular professor with the support of his colleagues and family. Professor Kunsman is fondly recalled for his personal warmth, humor, love of teaching comparative politics, and given color by anecdotes from his extensive travels. Applicants must be full time undergraduate political science majors with a GPA of 3.0 or above.

Past Recipients 

Asma Almasarwa, 2024
Reyna Bautista, 2022
Ganna Malik, 2020
Christian Gow, 2018
Mary Ann Locke, 2016
Paul Lara, 2014
Ksenia Bergantz, 2012
Riley Knight, 2010
Gabriel Santiago, 2008
Toni Stone, 2006
Huy Duong, 2006
John Du, 2004