Tortora, Cristina

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Office: MQH 311
Email: cristina.tortora at sjsu dot edu
Ph.D. in Statistics, February 2012,
University of Naples Federico II
I was born and raised in Italy where I received my Master degree in Statistics. I did part of my studies in Lyon, France where I received a second master degree in Statistics. I completed my PhD at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Naples “Federico II” in February 2012. During the PhD I was visiting student at CEREMADE Paris Dauphine.
Before coming to SJSU, I was a post-doctoral research fellow at McMaster University, Canada (2014-2015), at University of Guelph, Canada (2013), and at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn of Naples, Italy (2012).
I'm an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at San Jose State University. My research mainly focuses on data analysis. I have been interested in a wide range of statistical domains like cluster analysis, regression, soft modeling, textual data analysis, and network analysis. Among them my research focuses on clustering and classification. I recently worked on non-Gaussian mixture models, missing data, outlier detection, and big data analysis. My interests concern different applied areas as well, I collaborated with experts in different fields: psychologist, environmental scientists, engineers and agroecology experts.
In my free time I enjoy sports like jogging, volleyball, scuba diving, and ski. I love travelling and I fluently speak Italian, English, and French.