Occupational Therapy Doctorate

The Occupational Therapy Department at San Jose State University is dedicated to preparing culturally diverse occupational therapy leaders who promote health and participation in life for individuals, organizations, and populations through engagement in occupation. The SJSU Entry Level OTD program prepares graduates to provide service in a wide variety of settings. Our students are educated with a focus on effectively using current evidence, creating new professional knowledge through research, and contributing to program development in both traditional and emerging areas of practice. The SJSU Occupational Therapy program prides itself on emphasizing authentic practice experience through faculty-run clinics and community partnerships. The newly added OTD program is designed to develop occupational therapy leaders, advocates, and innovators with a clear focus on community engagement and social justice for underserved populations.


San Jose State University obtained WSCUC approval to offer an Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) degree as of May 2021. The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) granted the SJSU OTD Program “Candidacy Status” in August 2022, which allowed the SJSU Occupational Therapy Program to admit students.  Although the "Candidacy Status" designation does not guarantee that the program will be accredited, it indicates that the resource allocation and the proposed program appear to demonstrate the ability to meet ACOTE Standards.  The Program anticipates attaining its full accreditation in May 2025.

ACOTE is located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD  20814; (301) 652-6611; email address: accred@aota.org; website: www.acoteonline.org.

We have a long history, over 60 years, of providing exemplary graduate occupational therapy education and have the distinction of being one of the first in the nation to offer a Master's of Science degree in Occupational Therapy. We are proud to offer the first Occupational Therapy Doctorate program at a public institution in California.

Faculty Roster - Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association (FAOTA)

The Occupational Therapy faculty has a long history of commitment to the profession through research, leadership, and service. They have received national recognition and have been awarded the title of Fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association (FAOTA). The following is a list of current and retired faculty who have achieved this recognition:

  • Dr. Luis de Leon Arabit
  • Dr. Deborah Bolding
  • Dr. Megan Chang
  • Dr. Karen Diassio Serrett
  • Dr. Lela Llorens
  • Dr. Anne MacRae
  • Dr. Heidi Pendleton
  • Dr. Pamela Richardson
  • Dr. Winifred Schultz-Krohn
  • Dr. Kathleen Schwartz
  • Dr. Gigi Smith
  • Dr. Marti Southam

Additionally, two previous faculty members were honored with the prestigious Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lectureship Award:

  • Dr. Lela Llorens
  • Dr. Kathleen Schwartz

Our foundation on engaged scholarship provides the OTD student a dynamic learning opportunity with leaders in the profession.

OTD Program Launch

As of Spring 2023, the Department of Occupational Therapy launched the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) as approved by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE). The OTD program is structured using a cohort model where students are admitted and progress through a sequenced program of study in an organized manner to support completion of the degree within three years of full time enrollment. This model fosters collaboration between students and faculty. The OTD degree is designed to prepare students as entry-level occupational therapists and seeks to support students as leaders and practitioner-scholars. The curriculum is designed using a variety of instructional methods to enhance content mastery. Although the majority of instruction will be face to face instruction, classes will include simulations, case presentations, involvement with the on campus faculty-run clinics and online instruction. 

Please check back on this page for important updates regarding the application process and advising sessions. Email us for other inquiries.

Application Deadlines

We accept applications once per year beginning on July 1st. The deadline for submitting applications and application materials is on December 31st of each year. However, we recommend submitting the application as soon as possible as we admit on a rolling basis and can therefore fill the class before November 1st. In that event, we will close the application process.

Important: OTD applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree earned at an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association before starting the program, or the applicant has completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by the appropriate campus authority.

For Spring 2026 program, applicants can begin sending in materials to the SJSU OT Department beginnng July 1st. 

  • Applicants must also complete the OTCAS application process that will open beginning July 21st, 2025.
  • GAPE opens August 1st. Please see deadline dates on the Graduate Admissions & Program Evaluations (GAPE) website.
  • The deadline for submitting applications and application materials is on December 10th of each year. However, we recommend submitting the application as soon as possible as we admit on a rolling basis and can therefore fill the class before November 1st. In that event, we will close the application process.
  • Students must also apply to the university via Cal State Apply (separate from the program application).

The Spring 2026 semester begins January 23rd, 2026.

Criminal Background Check

A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination and may preclude attainment of state licensure. Some practicum and fieldwork sites may also perform background checks and refuse internships to students with a felony conviction. Students who have a prior felony conviction are urged to contact the OTD Coordinator prior to the start of the program to determine their potential to practice as an occupational therapist. While we recognize this to be a privacy issue, it is recommended that the student disclose this information before beginning the OTD program.

Program Resource Links

Spring '25 Registration Fees - Doctoral

Informational Session (May 15th; 6:15 - 7:15pm PST)

Review the OTD Program Advising Overview [pdf]