A young woman with dark hair in a greet shirt shows a prototype diagram on her laptop to three young Asian men on the opposite side of a table.  Her male partner sits next to her, with an orange prototype car on the table in front of him.


SpartUp is a focal point for SJSU startup and entrepreneurship activity that leverages resources in Silicon Valley and beyond to create a unique entrepreneurial experience and an engine for economic growth. SpartUp seeks to bridge the gap between SJSU-affiliated companies and the resources they need to start and build successful companies. Please visit our crowdfunding page to learn more about how you can support Spartaneurs on their start-up journey!

Support Spartaneurs

Our Programs

Learn about our programs to help member entrepreneurs establish successful ventures.

Our Startups

SJSU graduates have a long history of entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley.  Help us showcase past and emerging SJSU affiliated startups.

Our Mentors

Our mentors have made the commitment to work with students to perfect their startup ideas.

Our Affiliates

Opportunities to engage with our IDC teams and match your expertise with our highly-motivated startup companies.

Support SJSU Startups

Support SJSU-affiliated startups and significantly increase the likelihood for their success.

SpartUp Incubator Speaker Series logo with a paper plane bisecting the words "Spart" and "Up"

SpartUp Incubator Takes Flight

SJSU's recently-launched SpartUp Incubator provides a web of support for the Spartan Entrepreneur, our Spartaneur, along the startup journey – from idea, through prototype, to planning and fundraising.