Meet the Directors

Brent Ducker.Dr. Brent Duckor

Executive Director IAEP Center

Brent Duckor, Ph.D., is a Professor at SJSU’s College of Education who serves in the Department of Teacher Education and the Ed.D. Leadership program.

His training in the Quantitative Methods and Evaluation program at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education informs his mixed methods research and applied policy focus. Dr. Duckor’s expertise with the deep principles and practices of assessment, testing and evaluation spans K-12 to higher education.

Dr. Duckor is a leading scholar in the field of K-12 assessment for learning. His perspectives from the field of applied psychometrics brings a unique commitment to and expertise with educational measurement across multiple classroom assessment settings. His scholarship has appeared in Teachers College Record, Phi Delta Kappan, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Educational Measurement, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Educational Leadership and most recently, the International Encyclopedia of Education.

He is the author of two internationally recognized books with Dr. Carrie Holmberg. Mastering Formative Assessment Moves (ASCD, 2017) and Feedback for Continuous Improvement in the Classroom: New Perspectives, Practices and Possibilities (Corwin, 2023) are both aimed at educators and leaders interested in systemic change and scaling impact with evidence-based assessment for learning practices. His latest book with Dr. Carrie Holmberg AI for Deeper Learning: Promises, Possibilities, and Evolving Practices will be available with Harvard Education Press in spring 2026.

Dr. Duckor has served on state and national boards providing educational assessment and measurement expertise to the California’s Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the California Department of Education, the College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium for the National Council for Community and Education Partnerships in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Duckor is a former high school teacher at Central Park East Secondary School, a nationally recognized new urban high school in New York City’s District 4, where he taught History, Economics, and Civics /Government in the Senior Institute.

For over 30 years, Dr. Duckor has blended his passion for linking policy with practice, and works to inspire new teachers and educational leaders to work closely together on behalf of traditionally underserved students. His research agenda for the Center emphasizes policy impacts of different state-led and local accountability regimes on at-promise children and teens and how teachers, staff, and administrators can empower students through classroom assessment and ambitious teaching practices centered on deeper learning to close opportunity gaps.

Brent Michael Duckor earned his B.A. in Politics with Honors from UC Santa Cruz in 1987. He obtained a Master of Arts in International Affairs with a business concentration from Columbia University in 1993. Dr. Duckor received his Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods and Evaluation from UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Education in 2006.

Dr. Lorri CapizziLorri Cappizi

Co-Director IAEP Center

Lorri Capizzi, Ed. D., is an Assistant Professor at SJSU’s College of Education, Department of Counselor Education. Her expertise with underserved youth spans K-12 to higher education emphasizing practice-based training and applied research in training school counselors and coordinating internship experiences that impact at-promise children and teens. She is a specialist in the area of foster youth, and has been a consultant to County Offices of Education where she has advised districts on developing Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs).

Dr. Capizzi has over 15 years of federal grant administration experience and has co-authored and managed multi-million dollar budgets. She has in-depth experience working with schools, districts, and counties serving students in foster care and students experiencing homelessness through her work with Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). Her training in Counseling and Educational Leadership from San Jose State University and San Francisco State University’s Ed.D. program gives Dr. Capizzi a unique perspective on counseling, advising and guidance rooted in deep expertise with serving underserved communities in Northern California.

Dr. Capizzi also serves as the faculty advisor for the CSU Guardian Scholars Program for former foster youth in higher education and advises SJSU administration on program design and curriculum development for this program. Her research partnerships/projects have served the California Department of Education, County Offices of Education - Foster and Homeless divisions, California Department of Child and Family Services and The Superior Courts of Santa Clara County.

Her research agenda for the Center emphasizes new approaches to interprofessional and cross disciplinary school counselor,  social work, and school psychologists preparation that serve at-promise children and teens, particularly foster youth.

Lorri Midori Capizzi earned her B.A. in Child Development with a minor in special education from San José State University in 1997. She obtained a Master of Arts in education with a concentration in special education in 1998. She obtained a Master of Arts in education with a concentration in counseling and student personnel in 1999. Dr. Capizzi received her Ed.D. in educational leadership from San Francisco State University in 2016.

Carrie HolmbergDr. Carrie Holmberg

Assistant Director IAEP Center

Carrie Holmberg, Ed. D., is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education and preservice teacher educator at San José State University. She taught at a Title I comprehensive high school in Silicon Valley for nearly a decade and has extensive experience mentoring new teachers. Carrie has twice earned her National Board Certification. She also worked with the Stanford Partner School Induction Program and the Santa Cruz/Silicon Valley New Teacher Program for many years.

Carrie obtained her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership in 2017 from SJSU. Her scholarship has appeared in The English Journal, California English, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Journal of Educational Measurement, and most recently, the 4th International Encyclopedia of Education. Carrie has served as chair of the Classroom Assessment Special Interest Group (SIG) for the American Educational Research Association (AERA).

Her research agenda for the Center emphasizes new approaches to interprofessional and cross disciplinary classroom-based assessment preparation for next generation teachers. Committed to deep equity and ambitious teaching practice, Dr. Holmberg’s work supports new approaches to pre-service and in-service capacity building in areas of assessment for learning, formative feedback, peer and self-assessment in schools that serve at-promise children and teens.

Carrie Kalinowski Holmberg earned her B.A. in English from Stanford University in 1993. She obtained a Master of Arts in education from the STEP program from Stanford University in 1996. Dr. Holmberg received her Ed.D. in leadership from San José State University in 2017.