Clery Geography and Clery Crimes

Clery Geography Categories
Incident location is an important factor in determining SJSU's responsibilities under the Clery Act. It also matters whether or not SJSU has ownership or control of that location, and how it functions in relation to SJSU's overall operations. There are three Clery geography categories: On Campus, Noncampus and Public Property.
On Campus Category

On campus Clery geography consists of any building or property owned or controlled by SJSU within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the university in direct support of, or in a manner related to our educational purposes. This includes academic, administrative and residence hall buildings.

On Campus locations controlled by another entity but still owned by SJSU are included in this category. They are frequently used by students and support SJSU's institutional purposes, such as food or other retail vendors.

Residence Halls are a Subset of On Campus Geography
This means that Clery crimes reported for our residence halls are represented in both the "On Campus" and "Campus Residential" geography categories of the Annual Security Report.
Noncampus Category

Clery Crime Categories
The four Clery crime categories listed below each have unique definitions, counting rules and exceptions that apply to them.