Natural History Collections at SJSU

Who We Are

The Natural History Collections at SJSU include the Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium, J. Gordon Edwards Entomological Museum, SJSU Greenhouse and Botany Garden, and the SJSU Vertebrate Collection.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Natural History Collections at SJSU is to preserve and share our biological specimens to support the educational needs of students and facilitate regional biodiversity research. Our collections are available for classroom activities, museum training, and undergraduate and graduate research. Our collections are actively curated for use in community outreach, or by visiting researchers.

Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium

Location:  Duncan Hall 355
Contact:  Dr. Benjamin Carter, Director
Lars Rosengreen, Curator

J. Gordon Edwards Entomology Museum

Location:  Duncan Hall 236
Contact:  Dr. Fredrick Larabee, Director

SJSU Greenhouse Facility and Botany Garden

Location:  Duncan Hall 347C
Contact:  Lars Rosengreen, Director

SJSU Vertebrate Museum

Location:  DH545
Contact:  Dr. Jessica Castillo Vardaro, Director
Madeline Marens, Curator