San Jose State University

The California State Auditor's Office is your confidential avenue for reporting improper activities by state agencies or employees. It is your responsibility, as a government employee, to report any type of fraud, waste, or abuse, which ultimately protects scarce, state resources, and it is also your right to be free from retaliation for doing so.

To view investigative reports, please visit the California State Auditor's website.

Review the 2023 Whistleblower program brochure which explains, in detail, the following:

  • What to Report
  • How to Report – report information confidentially by calling the Whistleblower Hotline (1-800-952-5665), by mail, or submitting a complaint online (
  • Helpful Tips When Filing a Complaint
  • Investigation of Complaints

Additionally, the California State Auditor's Office is providing a free and optional lunch-hour webinar for state employees to learn more about the Whistleblower Act on Thursday, July 20, 2023. For more information, please see this informational flier.

Please note that Whistleblowers are protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act, which protects whistleblowers who work for the government and report agency misconduct. If you believe that you have been retaliated against for disclosing an improper governmental activity, you should report this immediately to one of the following agencies:

State and Court Employees
State Personnel Board
801 Capitol Mall, MS53
Sacramento, CA 95814

California State University Employees
Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
401 Golden Shore, Room 115
Long Beach, CA 90802


Julie Paisant, the appointed campus Whistleblower administrator
San José State University, (408) 924-2255

San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192

Last Updated Jun 26, 2023