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Miller, Robert B
Publications & Presentations
- Robert B. Miller. "Influence of lithological heterogeneity, mechanical antisotropy,
and magmatism on the rheology of an" Article. (January 2002).
- Robert B. Miller. "Construction of mid-crustal sheeted plutons: Examples from the
North Cascades, Washington." Article. (January 2001).
- Robert B. Miller. "North Cascades cretaceous crustal section: changing kinematics,
rheology, metamorphism, pluton empla" Book Chapter. (January 2000).
- Robert B. Miller. "In defense of magmatic diapirs." Article. (January 1999).
- Robert B. Miller. "Interpreting magmatic fabric patterns in plutons." Article. (January
- Robert B. Miller. "Magma emplacement during arc-perpendicular shortening: An example
from the Cascades crystalline core" Article. (January 1998).
- Robert B. Miller. "Mid-crustal magmatic sheets in the Cascades Mountains, Washington:
Implications for magma ascent." Article. (January 1998).
- Robert B. Miller. "Regional tilt of the Mount Stuart batholith, Washington, determined
using aluminum-in-hornblende bar" Article. (January 1998).
- Robert B. Miller. "Stoped blocks in plutons: Paleo-plum bobs, viscometers or chronometers?"
Article. (January 1998).
- Robert B. Miller. "Reply. (Response to article by Michael F. McGroder in this issue,
p 1001)." Article. (January 1997).
- Robert B. Miller. "Mid-Cretaceous thrusting in the southern Coast Belt, British Columbia
and Washington, after strike-s" Article. (January 1996).
- Robert B. Miller. "Intra-arc crustal loading and its tectonic implications, North
Cascades crystalline core, Washington" Article. (January 1993).