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Publications & Presentations
Speck, Marsha K
Publications & Presentations
- Marsha K. Speck. "Why can't we get it right?: Designing high-quality professional
development for standards-based scho" Book. (January 2005).
- Marsha K. Speck. "The principal as professional development leader: Building capacity
for improving student achievemen" Book. (January 2004).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Improving competence in the classroom." Article. (January 2002).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Why can't we get it right?: Professional development in our schools."
Book. (January 2001).
- Marsha K. Speck. "The principalship: Building a learning community." Book. (January
- Marsha K. Speck. "A handbook for implementing year-round education in the high school
(2nd ed.)." Book. (January 1996).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Best practice in professional development for sustained educational
change." Article. (January 1996).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Developing effective peer coaching experiences for school administrators."
Article. (January 1996).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Technology: The principalship and the school learning community."
Article. (January 1996).
- Marsha K. Speck. "The change process in a school learning community." Article. (January
- Marsha K. Speck. "Revisioning a school budget: Support for inclusion of students with
diverse needs." Article. (January 1995).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Student resiliency: Building caring learning communities." Article.
(January 1995).
- Marsha K. Speck. "The chief school business official: A scarce resource, part I."
Article. (January 1995).
- Marsha K. Speck. "The principalship for the future--today." Article. (January 1995).
- Marsha K. Speck. "Student resiliency: Towards educational equity." Article. (January