Part I. Multiple Choice (16 points, 1 point each)
Q1. Which of the following does not describe the action of a single neuron in isolation:
Q2. "the structure which serves as a relay station into the cortex"
Q3. "A" is associated with precise timing measures, "B" is associated with precise spatial localization.
Q4. Consider an individual who has suffered from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning; They now suffer from Retrograde Amnesia. Which task are they likely to have the most trouble with?
Q5. "A situation in which existing knowledge biases one�s reasoning":
Q6. Making judgements about which is smaller � a �1� or a �2� � versus � a �1� or a �4� � will illustrate:
Q7. To demonstrate that Implicit and Explicit Memory involves separate cognitive systems one could use:
Q8. Making a decision based on ease of retrieval of relevant examples from memory (e.g., the "words with K in the first/third position" example). This is an informal approach that can be extremely useful in many situations, but which sometimes produces the wrong answer.
Q9. Consider:
If Mark drew it, it is a Duck;
it is a Duck;
Mark drew it.
Q10. "A room full of Ph.D.�s and nobody can open a book" [slide projector height example] illustrates:
Q11. Given a P and an S, consider the following:
If the P is a Q, then the S is an X
The S is not an X
Q12. Each eye:
Q13. The inability of a native Spanish Speaking Monolingual individual to differentiate "EYES" from "ICE" reflects
Q14. Following a motorcycle accident, which produced a serious head injury, Mrs. Davidson had to spend a long period of time in the chronic care facility of the Hospital. Mrs. S complained that the hospital was not giving her enough to eat on her meal trays. The hospital staff protested that she must be making things up in order to attract more attention and sympathy from them because they found she rarely touched the food on the left side of her plate. The most likely alternative explanation is:
Q15. Which card or cards would you turn over to obtain conclusive evidence about the following rule: A CARD WITH A VOWEL ON IT WILL HAVE AN EVEN NUMBER ON THE OTHER SIDE." Note: Each card has a number on one side and a letter on the other.
A 4 3 D
6 7 U E
Q16. Recursively getting closer and closer from the current state towards the solution state
Part II. Short Answer (14 points)
Q17. What is the problem with saying, "Language is on the Left"?
(1 point)
Q18. Draw a picture of the brain; label each of the lobes.
(1.5 point)
Q19. Use Broca�s aphasia and Wernicke�s aphasia to illustrate a double-dissociation. What can you conclude?
(1 point - define each)
(1 point - describe the tasks & draw the graph)
(2 points)
Q20. What is the difference between an algorithm and a heuristic?
(1 point)
Q21. When might you use a Venn Diagram? What would be particularly important to keep in mind? [Use an example].
(1 example; .5 what important)
(1.5 point)
Q22. Why might we care about "Naïve Physics"?
(1 point)
Q23. Define and illustrate Contralaterality.
(1 point)
Q24. What are the four general characteristics of Problem Solving as defined by Anderson (1980, 1985) as discussed by Ashcraft in the course text?
(2 point)
Q25. Identify seven suggestions for improving problem solving (of the twelve presented by Ashcraft in the course text)
(2 points; .33 each after the first)
Q26. What is the most recently developed part of the brain?
(1 point)
Last Modified: Feb 22, 2023