Part I. Multiple Choice (15 points, 1 point each)


Q1. The smallest unit of meaning in Language is:

  1. phoneme
  2. morpheme
  3. lexicon
  4. syntax

Q2. "Each unit of language has a physical resemblance to its referent" is a definition of:

  1. Ideographic System
  2. Iconistic System
  3. Symbolic System
  4. Cognitive Economics

Q3. Which of the following is not included within Chompsky�s Transformational Grammar

  1. Deep Structure
  2. Idea or Meaning
  3. Surface Structure
  4. Semantic Roles

Q4. Imagine giving subjects the following:




  1. Semantic Integration
  2. Propositional Representation
  3. Technical Accuracy
  4. Source Misattribution

Q5. Which of the following is not associated with the concept of "arbitrariness":

  1. Onomatopoeia
  2. Connections that are learned
  3. Naming
  4. Changes in definitions across time

Q6. Which of the following does Kintch not identify as an important aspect of memory encoding and retrieval?

  1. Reconstruction
  2. Reproduction
  3. Construction
  4. Production

Q7. Which of the following is not associated with scripts?

  1. Default values
  2. Headers
  3. Frames
  4. No correct answer. All of the above are associated with scripts

Q8. Davidson did work with recall for short little stories after a delay of one week. When compared to �script� information, the use of vivid imagery was found to produce:

  1. The Von Restorff Effect
  2. Better Recall.
  3. Better Recognition
  4. All of the above

Q9. Roediger and McDermott (1995) performed an experiment in which subjects were presented with lists of semantically related items and then tested (after a short interval filled with an arithmetic task) for their recognition of the list items. Which of the following is least involved in their research

  1. False Memory.
  2. Critical Lures
  3. Semantic Activation
  4. Misinformation Effect

Q10. The ordering of words in a sentence to show their relation to one another:

  1. Morphological Analysis
  2. Syntax
  3. Propositional Representation
  4. Spreading Activation

Q11. Your understanding of the phrase "THE KEY OPENED THE DOOR" is most closely related to which theoretical view of language processing

  1. Craik and Lockharts "Depth of Processing" account
  2. Elaborative Encoding
  3. Chompsky�s Tranfomational Grammar
  4. The Case Grammar Approach

Q12. The background characteristics of Language have been proposed to change how people view the world. This reflects:

  1. Semantic Functionality
  2. Encoding Specificity
  3. Case Grammar
  4. Whorf Hypothesis

Q13. The inability of a native Spanish Speaking Monolingual individual to differentiate "EYES" from "ICE" reflects

  1. Semantic Categorization
  2. Morpheme-based processing
  3. Phonemic Perception
  4. Syntactic Analysis


  1. Source misattribution effect
  2. The Loftus effect
  3. Semantic Illusion
  4. Parallel Distributed Network

Q15. Alluding to a concept using another name is:

  1. deceptive
  2. reference
  3. authorized inference
  4. unauthorized inference

Part II. Short Answer (15 points)

Q16. What is the difference between Linguistics and Psycholinguistics? (Define each)

(1 point)




Q17. How are Animal Communication and Human Language thought to differ?

(1 point)




Q18. Identify the four major Linguistic Universals (as discussed in class)

(2 points)




Q19. What is the "problem of invariance"?

(1 point)




Q20. Semantics can overpower syntax. Give an example.

(1 point)




Q21. Consider Bartlett�s work on Memory function using the "war of the ghosts" story. Use EXAMPLES and TECHNICAL TERMS to characterize his findings.

(2 points)




Q22. Two-part question: (1) How are eye-movements used to study language processing? (2) What are the two major assumptions required?

(2 points)




Q23. Loftus included biasing information in questions that she asked subjects immediately after they had viewed videotape of a two-car accident. What was the effect on subjects� immediate reports and what was the effect a week later?

(3 points)




Q24. Memories for "repressed" then "recovered" memories is suspect because people�s memories are suggestible. What are three likely causes?

(1 point)




Q25. Bahrick, Bahrick, & Wittlinger (1975) report "50 Years of names and faces". What two suggestions can be drawn from their work with respect to improving your Memory?

(1 point)

Last Modified: Feb 22, 2023