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West, Joel W
Publications & Presentations
- Joel W. West. "A linguistic-based measure of cultural distance and its relationship
to managerial values." Article. (January 2004).
- Joel W. West. "The fall of a Silicon Valley icon: Was Apple really Betamax redux?"
Book Chapter. (January 2004).
- Joel W. West. "How open is open enough? Melding proprietary and open source platform
strategies." Article. (January 2003).
- Joel W. West. "Ma Bell's orphan: US cellular telephony, 1947-1996." Article. (January
- Joel W. West. "Open source standardization: The rise of Linux in the network era."
Article. (January 2001).
- Joel W. West. "Innovation and control in standards architectures: The rise and fall
of Japan's PC-98." Article. (January 2000).
- Joel W. West. "Institutional constraints in the initial deployment of cellular telephone
service on three continent" Book Chapter. (January 1999).
- Joel W. West. "Back to the future: Japan's NII plans." Book Chapter. (January 1996).
- Joel W. West. "National information infrastructure: A cross-country comparison." Article.
(January 1996).
- Joel W. West. "Reconciling vision and reality in Japan's NII policy." Article. (January
- Joel W. West. "Utopianism and national competitiveness in technology rhetoric: The
case of Japan's information infr" Article. (January 1996).
- Joel W. West. "Software rights and Japan's shift to an information society." Article.
(January 1995).