![SPX Building](/kinesiology/pics/Spartan%20Complex%20SJSU%20.jpg)
![Dr. Tamar Semerjian](/kinesiology/pics/TamarSemerjian2019headshot1.jpg)
![Students getting prepared for an in class mechanical assesment](/kinesiology/pics/iomechanicalassessmentlab222.jpg)
!['OK' hand signal by SJSU cheerleader](/kinesiology/pics/Spartan%20OK%20SJSU.jpg)
![SJSU Students excited for the marathon run/walk](/kinesiology/pics/SJSU%20Students%20.jpg)
![AKA American Kinesiology Association](/kinesiology/pics/AKA_logo2_verttest.jpg)
The SJSU Department of Kinesiology is an active, Charter Member of the American Kinesiology Association and joins the AKA in efforts to promote the discipline of Kinesiology through conducting sound research, preparing well trained students for the work force, and enhancing people's physical activity and health.