Dr. Katherine D. Harris
English 201 (Fall 2007)

Textual History Group Project:
Review Form

Title of Magazine

Political Bias of the Magazine overall:

Date of Review's Publication:

Length of review:

Reviewer (if identified):

Reviewer's attitude towards the text under review (+, -, mixed):

Aspects of the novel that the reviewer responds to positively:

Aspects of the novel that the reviewer responds to negatively:

Percentage of review devoted to excerpts:

What passages does the reviewer comment on?

For what reason does the reviewer provide each excerpt?

Personal comments (ad hominem attacks, etc) the reviewer makes about Steinbeck.

Personal comments that the reviewer makes about him/herself.

Record below an especially good comment (or two) you might wish to include. (Make sure your transcription is exact--a word-for-word, punctuation-for-punctuation mark reproduction of the original. Have another group member proof-read your transcriptions.)