HS 67 (Health Statistical) Student Reports

The intent of the HS 67 report is to encourage you to think about the true meaning of biostatistical information. To accomplish this task we will analyze data from an actual biostatistical study and carefully write a lab report. The objective of the lab report is to encourage a thoughtful consideration of the study. Your report must include the following sections

  • Title -- does not use a separate page, include your name and the date
  • Purpose --  address purpose of the study; make sure you understand the research question.
  • Methods --  provide enough information so a reader can replicate and what you did; cite sources; describe data collection and statistical methods
  • Results -- tables, graphs, and narrative results
  • Discussion --  connect purpose, methods, and results; use concise language
  • References � use APA referencing style


  • The report must be typed
  • Do not use statistics imitatively without thinking about the issues involved.
  • Avoid wordiness: Friedman, 1990
  • Late reports will not be accepted 
  • Plagiarism will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct

Examples of Prior Assignments 

  • Beast-feeding and bone density: data available in exercise. 2.36 of the 2007 edition of Moore (p. 60); link to published article � Ok to use as background but do not plagiarize; link to data in Excel format 
  • Is wine good for your heart?  Based on the data in Exercise 4.27 in the 2004 edition of Moore�s text. Data are of alcohol from wine and heart disease rates per 100,000 person-years. The published reference is Criqui MH & Ringel BL. (1994). Does diet or alcohol explain the French paradox? Lancet 344, 1719�1723. I believe this will link to the full text: http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=9501246195&site=ehost-live
  • Baldness and heart attacks: Click here.
  • Comparing the bioavailability of two drugs: based on the data in exercise 17.46 of Moore, 2010.   A cross-over trial of blood levels of the absorption of a reference drug and generic drug.
  • Therapeutic touch. This experiment started out as a fourth-grade science fair project. Use the data in Exercise 11.20 in this link to analyze whether Touch Therapy is able to detect human energy field for manipulation.