Lab 1 Part 2 Notes

(A) Group means and standard deviations (p. 10)

Group 1 (n = 12): 

1 = 74.3 /12 = 6.1917 = 6.2 [Comment on rounding: Data are measured to the nearest tenth of a unit. I calculated the mean to 4 decimal places because I I'll need this for the calculation of the sum of squares & standard deviation. I  have rounded the answer to two decimals for reporting purposes.]

SS1 = (6.0!6.1917)2 + (6.4!6.1917)2 + (7.0!6.1917)2 + (5.8!6.1917)2 + (6.0!6.1917)2 + (5.8!6.1917)2 + (5.9!6.1917)2 +(6.7!6.1917)2 + (6.1!6.1917)2 + (6.5!6.1917)2 + (6.3!6.1917)2 + (5.8 - 6.1917)= 1.6892 [Comment: It is best not to rush through calculation of the sum of squares because (a) this will reinforce the idea that the sum of square is based on deviations around the mean (b) you'll be less likely to make a mistake and (c) you need the practice -- you'll be doing lots of sums of squares next week.]

s1 = (1.682 / [12-1]) = 0.392 

Group 2 (n = 6)
2 = 5.067 
s2 = 0.301

(B) Side-by-side stemplot 

Describe [the distribution's] shapes, locations, and spreads.

(C) Side-by-side boxplots

Group 1 calculations:

5.8  5.8  5.8  5.9  6.0  6.0 | 6.1  6.3  6.4  6.5  6.7  7.0 
Q0           Q1              Q2             Q3           Q4

Group 2 calculations: 

4.7     4.8     4.9     5.3     5.3     5.4
Q0      Q1           Q2          Q3     Q4

The side-by-side plots:

(D) SPSS Analysis (p. 13)

Descriptive statistics from SPSS 

The first part of the output is: 

This is how we confirm the sample sizes of the groups.

The second part reports summary statistics. Notice that the EXPLORE command's interquartile range is slightly different than the IQR reported by hand. This is because there are several ways to interpolate quartiles. We use Tukey's hinges. SPSS uses weighted percentiles when calculating its interquartile range. Other calculations in the output should match your hand calculations. 

The side-by-side boxplots are shown above.

(E) F-ratio test (p. 14)
0: s12s22  
1: s12    s22  

Fstat = (.392)2 / (.301)2 = 1.69 
df1 = 12 - 1 = 11 
df2 = 6 - 1 = 5

The p value is the area under the curve to the right of 1.69 on the F11,5 distribution. The landmark on the F table is F11,5,.95 = 4.70. Therefore, p > .05. Using StaTable we get p = .29. H0 is retained; there no significant difference in variances (i.e., the differences in sample standard deviations -- .39 vs. .31 --  may merely be random. It seems reasonable to proceed under an assumption of homoscedasticity.

(F) Testing the mean difference (p. 15)

H0: �1 = �2  
H1: �1  �2  

Equal variance  t test statistic
s2p = [(.3922 )(11) + (.3012)(5)] / 16 = 0.134
semean dif = [(.134)(1/12 + 1/6)] = 0.183
tstat = (6.192 - 5.067) / 0.183 = 6.15 
df = 11 + 5 = 16
p < .001 (p  = 1.4E-0005 by computer)
Conclude: reject H0
The  difference in means is "significant." 

Unequal variance t test statistic
semean dif  = (.3922 / 12 + .3012 / 6) = 0.167
tstat = (6.192 - 5.067) / 0.167 = 6.73
df by conservative hand-based method = 5 (using full formula df'' = 12.9)
 p < .002 
Conclude: reject H0 (observed difference in means is "significant")

(G) Replicate analysis in SPSS and answer questions (p. 16)

Output from SPSS Compare Means > Independent Samples T test command

What is the p value derived by Levene's test of equal variance? p = .451

What is the p value derived by F ratio test [done by hand, p. 14]? p = .58

How do these p values compare? Do the conclusions that follow differ?  No. Both p values are "large", and both retain the null hypothesis of "equal variance."

What is the p value derived by the equal variance t test? p = .000

What is the p value derived by the unequal variance t test? p = .000

How do these p values compare? Do the conclusions that follow differ?  Both p values are very small (less than .0005). Both provide evidence to reject the null hypothesis.