Test of Association, Case-Control Studies (2-by-2 Tables)

(A) Set up null and alternative hypotheses (e.g., H0: OR = 1 vs. H1: OR not = 1)

(B) Set alpha level

(C) Test statistic is Chi-square(1, N = xx) = xx.xx, p = probability region in right tail of Chi-square with 1 degree of freedom

Uncorrected, Mantel-Haenszel, and Yates Corrected chi-square are computed by the TABLES <exposure> <disease> command. Yate's corrected method produces most conservative  p value. Use EpiTable or Statcalc to compute chi-square values for cross-tabulated data. Fisher's test is recommended when an expected value in the table is less than 5.

(D) Conclusion: Reject H0 if p < alpha