Testing �d

We routinely test to see whether the sample mean difference is significantly different from 0 ("no expected difference"). A formal 4 step procedure is recommened. Steps are:

(A) Statement of the null and alternative
The two sided null and alternative are H0: � = 0 vs. H1: � not = 0
(B) Set alpha level
Alpha = something (usually .05 by convention)
(C) Calculate test statistics
Paired t-statistic = (sample mean dif) / (sem), df = n - 1, the two-sided p value corresponds to the tail probabilities beyond the absolute value of the t-statistic on Students t with df degrees of freedom
These statistics are calculated automatically when Epi Info one-variable MEANS command is properly directed toward the DELTA variable
There are also several Web calculators that can be used to "crunch" the numbers
(D) State conclusion
The null hypothesis is rejected if p < alpha. Otherwise, the null hypothesis is retained for want of evidence.