KEY: CPHS, Unit 1 Quiz, Feb 3, 2000

(1) Name 3 statistics that describe the center of a distribution:

(a) mean_____________ (b) median___________ (c) mode_____________

(2) Name 3 statistics that describe the spread of a distribution:

(a) standard dev.____ (b) variance_________ (c) inter-quartile range (also coef of variation)

(3) Name the 2 main forms of statistical inference.

(a) estimation___________________ (b) hypothesis (significance) testing

(4) Describe a difference between a parameter and a statistic.

Parameter - from population, error-free, constant, typically unknown or hypothetical. Often represented with Greek symbols, such as �.
Statistics - from sample, error-prone, random variables, calculation from data. Often represented with Roman letters with overhead hats or bars, such as "x bar" or "p hat."

(5) Define "type I error."

Incorrect rejection of a true null hypothesis

(6) Define "alpha."

Probability of a type I error, or likelihood the researcher is willing to take in missing the parameter (in a confidence interval)

(7) Is cholesterol level measured in mg/dl of blood best described as a continuous, ordinal, or categorical variable.


(8) Is behavior type identified as type A or type B best described as a continuous, ordinal, or categorical variable?

Categorical (binary)

(9) Does a row of data in a data table correspond to a variable, value, or observation?


(10) Does a 95% confidence interval for a mean seek to capture the sample mean or population mean?

The confidence interval seeks to capture the parameter (population mean)