Chap 4 Grading Key

Assigned 2/9 Due 2/16 Returned 2/23

[Point number or BBG comment]

[1] kappa = .56
[2] Yes, predictions were better than random. [A kappa of 0 indicates random agreement; many students did not address element of randomness choosing instead to mechanically using rules of thumb.]


[3] Blood donors PVP = .0392
[4] Blood donor PVN = 1.00 [discuss rounding; some students answered ".99"; true answer was .999991 which is a lot closer to 1.00 than it is to .99]
[5] IVDU PVP = .916
[6] IVDU PVN = .998

Q2 -- see p. 014

[7] The answer presented on p. 105 is still pertinent. Notice that the PVP in the population was .916 meaning that the false positive rate = 1 - .916 = .084. That is almost (but not quite) 1 in 10 positives are FPs. Another way to look at this is there were 9 FPs. It would not be ethical in my opinion to scare these 9 people when confirmatory testing is a much better option. No deduction was taken, but in light of some problems with interpreting this problem and 4.10, I'm going to read you your "Miranda rights" -- You are graduate students. You are expected to interpreted epidemiologic results in an informed and intelligent way. You should not mechanically repeat interpretations you do not fully understand. You have no right to an attorney. Anything you say could be marked down. ;-)

Q4 -- see p. 105

Part II

Q5 - Q7 see p. 105

Part III

[8] Prev - .0377

[9] EIA - EIA PVP = .7935
[10] EIA - WB PVP = .9973

Q10 -- see pp. 107 -108