HW 6.5 Grading Key

Assigned 10/25, Due 11/2

[2 pts] Hand in the Explore output (from lab, p. 29) with 95% confidence interval for � highlighted or circled
[2 pts] Hand in the Means output (from lab, p. 34) with tstat, df, and p value highlighted or circled
[2 pts] ../StatPrimer/one-sample-t-statistics.htm checked for completeness at classroom door
  • Exercises 1, 3, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19 -- see this key
  • Exercises 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 18 -- see this key
[4 pts] Lab Workbook  -- pp. 24 - 34 except page 30
Procedure notebook checked for compliance.