Epi Grading Key (Chap 7)

Assigned 4/14/04
Due 4/21
Returned 4/28
Graded by Dionne C. and Dr. G.
[10 points -- point number in brackets]

(A) [1] The crude rate (per 100,000) = 652. 
[2] The crude rate in Florida (reported in Table 7.5) is 1026. Notice how much higher the crude rate is in Florida!

(B)  Age-specific rates, fictitious state
[3 - 5: � point for each correct age-specific rate]

Age Rate (per 100,000) 
0 - 4 238
5 -24 64
25 - 44 208
45 - 64 809
65 - 74 2221
75+ 6887

[6] Age-specific rates are identical in the two states. 
[7] The higher rate in Florida is due to the larger percentage of older people in that state. 
For example, 1,038,000 of the 13,278,000 (11.9%) of the people in Florida are over the age of 75. This compares with 100,000 of 2,450,000 (4.1%) in the fictitious state.

(C) Calculations for age-adjustment

Age Fictitious state Standard Million (Ni) Product  (Niri
0 - 4 238 76158 18125604
5 -24 64 286501 18336064
25 - 44 208 325971 67801968
45 - 64 809 185402 149990218
65 - 74 2221 72494 161009174
75+ 6887 53474 368275438

[8] SNiri = 18125604 + 18336064 + . . . + 368275438 = 783538466
[9] aR = 783538466 / 1000000 @ 784

[10] (D) The adjusted rates for the fictitious state and Florida are identical!