1. Class discusses reasons Americans overall do not get adequate exercise. What are the barriers to regular activity? Write ideas on board. [10 minutes]
  2. Class breaks into groups. Students write downs solutions to overcome barriers listed on the board. Write down as many ways as possible to add exercise to your own busy schedule. Each group must list at least 5 specific solutions! [10 minutes]
  3. Groups share their top solutions. Each group contributes 2 - 5 specific ideas. [10 minutes]
  4. Debriefing: Additional ideas? Strategies for change? Ways to reward yourself. 
  5. Discuss factors that shape health behavior from Chapter 1 (pp. 13 - 14)
    1. Predisposing factors (knowledge, attitudes, beliefs)
    2. Enabling factors (skills, resources, capacities)
    3. Reinforcing factors (positive and negative reinforcers; external and internal reinforcers)