[Last update:  5/15/04]

LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1: Recognizing psychological, social, and cultural influences on health.

  1. List the two components of psychological health 
    {ANS: emotional states and mental states}.
  2. List the three types of behavioral factors that influence health. 
    {ANS: predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors}
  3. List the types of health considered in the book 
    {ANS: physical, mental, environmental, spiritual, social, and intellectual}.
  4. What is the single greatest barrier to minority health in the U.S. is poverty?
    {ANS: Poverty. The primary health effects poverty are due to social and behavioral differences, not health care or genetic differences}
  5. T/F: Minority students experience different types of stressors that non-minority students. 
    {True, but a better way to think about this is culture and world-view determine the response to stress.}

LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2: Recognizing the inter-relation of psychological, social, and cultural influences on health.

  1. T/F: Life expectancy and other health outcomes differ by race and gender. 
    {ANS: Yes, and sometimes in unexpected ways.}
  2. T/F: Declines in physical activities occur most rapidly in late adolescence and early adulthood.
    {ANS: True. That's why it is important for you guys to stay active now.}
  3. M/C: All of the following have contributed significantly to increases in life expectancy EXCEPT: (a) the control of infectious diseases through improvements in sanitation and water quality, (b) the discovery of antibiotics, (c) the control of chronic diseases through lifestyle changes and effective treatments, (d) intensive care medicine applied toward the end of life
    {ANS: d -- Heroic efforts toward the end of life contribute little to overall public health in the scheme of things.}

LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3: Develop social skills to enhance learning and develop positive interpersonal relationships with diverse types of people.

  1. T/F: Homophobia is the fear and hatred of gays and lesbians. {True -- obviously.}
  2. T/F: Social health is the ability to develop satisfying personal and work relationships.
    {ANS: Like cattle and horses, but unlike cats, humans are social creatures.} 
  3. Effective communication strategies include the following (a) using "I statements" (b) asking how the other person feels (c) being a good listener (d) respecting confidences (secrets) of others (e) all of the above
    {e -- We will also discuss student social norms -- e.g., coming  late to class; open, honest, and considerate communication; how to approach the professor when you are unsatisfied with a grade} 
  4. T/F: The first step in changing an unhealthy behavior is awareness and true understanding of the negative consequences. {True -- obvious}
  5. M/C: The idea of enhancing health by building knowledge and skills in individuals and modifying their environment to foster healthier lifestyles is (a) wellness (b) intellectual health (c) holistic health (d) health promotion
    {ANS: d -- "environment" is used in the broad sense to include the social, economic, political, and biological environment}

LEARNING OBJECTIVE 4: Recognizing yourself as an individual undergoing a stage of your life development, and recognize how health is affected by the social and university environment.

  1. M/C: The leading cause of death among college aged men and women is: (a) motor vehicle crashes (b) drug overdoses (c) suicide (d) alcohol poisoning
    {a }
  2. M/C: Which of the following are common stressors on college campuses? (a) tests (b) finances (c) relationships (d) competition (e) all of the above
    {e - duh!}
  3. T/F: Every year students spend more on alcohol than on books, soda, coffee, juice, and milk combined.

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