Hales, D. (2004). Chapter 13: Consumerism, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and the Health-Care System In An Invitation to Health (3 ed.) (pp. 339 - 355). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

[Last update: 5/3/04]


  1. M/C: Approximately what percentage of the U.S. Gross National Product is spent on health care? (a) 1% (b) 5% (c) 15% (d) 25% {Correct answer is c -- the text says expenditures will reach 2.2 trillion in 2008, or 16.2% of GDP}
  2. T/F: Self-care requires you to educate yourself about health, disease, and health care systems.
  3. Matching.
    Terms: Acupuncture; Message therapy; Ayuveda; Chiropractic; Integrative medicine; Allopathic medicine.
    1. Treatment based on the theory that human diseases are caused by misalignment of bones.
    2. Ancient Chinese form of medicine based on the philosophy that energy circulates through the body to control health.
    3. The type of medicine practiced by MDs which based on correction of pathophysiologic, anatomical, and mental dysfunction.
    4. Brings together allopathic medicine and Complementary/Alternative Medicine.
    5. Uses hands to rub, stroke and knead the body to affect health in a positive way.
    6. A traditional type of medicine used in India that premises illnesses on incorrect mental attitudes, diet, and posture.
  4. T/F: Herbal remedies undergo rigorous testing and standardization.
  5. Name the two main federal healthcare coverage (insurance) programs in the U.S. and describe who they serve.
  6. M/C: Who pays the majority of healthcare costs in the private sector? (a) individuals (b) employers (c) the government (d) hospitals
  7. Match the type of managed health care coverage plan with its description. Types of managed care: Group-HMO; IPA-HMO; PPO; capitation plan
  8. T/F: Although some patients are annoyed by the service they receive from HMOs, the outcomes of treatments provided by HMO are generally as good as for patients who receive fee-for-service health care.
  9. T/F: Patients in a managed care group must follow certain procedures in advance of seeking care and must abide by a limit of reimbursement for certain services.
  10. M/C: All of the following are vital signs EXCEPT: (a) blood pressure (b) cholesterol level (c) pulse (d) body temperature
  11. M/C: All of the following are normal body temperatures EXCEPT: (a) 98.9 (b) 99 (c) 99.9 (d) 102
  12. M/C: Which of the following is a normal adult blood pressure? (a) 90/50 (b) 100/55 (c) 110/60 (d) 120/70A normal pulse rate for an adult is: (a) 40 beats per minute (b) 72 beats per minute (c) 140 beats per minute (d) 200 beats per minute
  13. M/C: The term that describes your rate of breathing is: (a) respiration rate (b) oxygen use (c) maximal oxygen uptake (d) respiratory reserve
  14. M/C: All of the following are screening tests which can be taken at home EXCEPT: (a) pregnancy (b) colon cancer (c) HIV (d) osteoporosis
  15. M/C: This hormone is detected by home test kits for pregnancy: (a) human growth hormone (b) luteinizing hormone (c) human chorionic gonadotropin (d) follicle stimulating hormone
  16. M/C: A colon cancer screening works by identifying: (a) blood from a finger stick (b) blood in the urine (c) hormones in the saliva (d) blood in the stool
  17. M/C: A home test for urinary tract infection measures this in the urine? (a) protein (b) white blood cells (c) HIM (d) red blood cells
  18. M/C: All of the following are guidelines for evaluating online health sites EXCEPT: (a) look for sites written by those also selling products (b) check the date the page was created to find the most recent research (c) check the references (d) consider the author
  19. M/C: All of the following are ways to determine if a news report about a medical advance is valid EXCEPT: (a) the scientists should be legitimate health professionals (b) the findings should be found in peer-reviewed journals (c) the report should include testimonials from cured patients (d) researchers should not try to sell you something
  20. M/C: A patient must give consent for hospitalization, surgery and other major treatments. This is known as: (a) informed consent (b) living will (c) malpractice (d) guardian ad lidum
  21. M/C: Methods of treatment that focus on the whole person are: (a) quackery (b) holistic (c) alternative (d) complimentary
  22. M/C: The practice that combines conventional and alternative medicine is: (a) exclusive medicine (b) experimental treatment (c) holistic therapies (d) integrative medicine
  23. M/C: An ancient Chinese form of medicine based on cycles of energy circulating through the body and which uses needles to redirect this energy is known as: (a) acupuncture (b) reflexology (c) acupressure (d) chiropractic
  24. M/C: Managed-care health plans that emphasize routine care and prevention by providing complete medical services in exchange for a predetermined monthly payment is: (a) fee-for-service (b) capitation plan (c) point-of-service plan (d) none of the above.
  25. M/C: What is the difference between Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Organizations?
  26. When people treat their own health problems this is known as __________ __________.
  27. Temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and respiration rate are known as __________ __________.
  28. Compare HMOs to PPOs. (HMOs are managed care plans that emphasize routine care and prevention by providing complete medical services in exchange for a predetermined monthly payment. PPOs are a third party contracts with a group of physicians and hospitals to treat members at a discount. Both are capitation plans.