CHAP 12 Review Questions (ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO)

Hales, D. (2004). Chapter 12: Alcohol and Tobacco Use, Misuse, and Abuse In An Invitation to Health (3 ed.) (pp. 303 - 333). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

[Last update 4/16/04]

  1. What are the two most widely used mind-altering substances?
  2. This substances is the single leading preventable cause of death in the U.S.? {ANS: tobacco}
  3. M/C: The alcohol in alcoholic beverages is (a) methyl alcohol (b) isopropyl alcohol (c) ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
  4. What does BAC stand for?
  5. Provide the number of ounces that corresponds to a "one drink serving" of  (a) beer (b) wine (c) distilled spirits
  6. M/C: What is the maximum number of alcoholic drinks per day for men recommended by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism? (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 
  7. M/C: What is the maximum number of alcoholic drinks per day for women recommended by NIAAA? (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
  8. What is a diuretic?
  9. T/F: Drinking beer helps hydrate the body. 
  10. M/C: What is the most common cause of alcohol-related death?  (a) cirrhosis of the liver (b) digestive disorders (c) injury (d) diabetes
  11. T/F: Alcoholism doubles the overall risk of death.
  12. List reasons people drink alcohol.
  13. M/C: Approximately what percentage of college students admit to binge-drinking? (a) 1% (b) 10% (c) 20% (d) 40% (p. 312)
  14. T/F: College students spend more on alcohol each year than on books, soda pop, coffee, juice and milk combined. 
  15. T/F: Problem drinking is rare in college women. 
  16. What "provokes desire, but it takes away [from sexual] performance"?
  17. What does it mean when we say alcohol "interacts" with antidepressants?
  18. M/C: Alcohol increases a person's (a) reaction time (b) ability to perform sexually (c) likelihood of engaging in high risk sexual behavior (d) "a" and "c" (e) "a" "b" and "c"
  19. Which of the following are characteristic of alcoholism? (Select all that apply.) (a) it is a chronic disease (b) it is a progressive disease (c) it is a potentially fatal disease (d) it is characterized by a preoccupation with alcohol (e) it causes distorted thinking (f) it alleviates physical problems (g) it alleviates psychological problems
  20. Alcoholism is caused by the following factors. (Select all that apply.) (a) genetic (b) psychosocial (c) environmental
  21. T/F: Treatment for alcoholism must be ongoing and aggressive.
  22. T/F: Once a person is an alcoholic, they are an alcoholic for life.
  23. T/F: Alcohol is a central nervous stimulant.
  24. T/F: Tobacco is a herb.
  25. T/F: Tobacco smoke contains almost 400 different compounds.
  26. What is the main compound found in tobacco smoke?
  27. T/F: Nicotine is a central nervous stimulant.
  28. T/F: Nicotine is a sedative. (ANS: True. The initial effect of nicotine is as a stimulant, but at higher doses it is a sedative.)
  29. T/F: Nicotine is an appetite stimulant.
  30. T/F: Nicotine increases the secretion of the stress hormone adrenalin. 
  31. Name the primary carcinogen in tobacco smoke. (ANS: tar)
  32. Name the primary noxious gas in tobacco smoke (ANS: carbon monoxide)
  33. On average, smokers die _______ years earlier than non-smokers.
  34. T/F: Smoking decreases heart rate and blood pressure.
  35. T/F: Smoking causes wrinkles.
  36. Smoking increase the risk of lung cancer ______ fold.
  37. There is an error on p. 321. The book states smokers are "20 times more likely to have a heart attack." This is untrue. Smokers are between 1.2 and 1.35 times as likely to have heart attacks. Nevertheless, smoking does cause more heart attacks the lung cancer cases, simply because heart attacks are much more common than lung cancer.
  38. Which of the following cardiovascular diseases are caused by smoking? (Check all that apply) (a) heart attacks (b) cardiomyopathy (c) aortic aneurysm (c) pulmonary heart disease (d) stroke (e) atherosclerosis
  39. T/F: Smoking is especially dangerous in young women when combined with the use of birth control pills.
  40. T/F: Cessation of smoking decreases some but not all of its cardiovascular and cancer risks.
  41. List the three main types of major diseases caused by smoking. (ANS: cardiovascular, cancer, respiratory)
  42. Besides cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and lung cancer, list 5 other diseases caused by smoking. (ANS: gum disease, dental disease, cervical cancer, stomach ulcers, impotence, acute respiratory disease, anxiety disorders, hypertension)
  43. T/F: The health risks of smoking increase with amount smoked. 
  44. What is a dose-response?
  45. List reasons people smoke. (ANS: genetics, marketing, parental (and other) role modeling, rebellion, weight control, stress, addiction)
  46. What percentage of Americans smoke? (a) 5 - 10% (b) 10 - 20% (c) 20-30% (c) 30 - 40%
  47. T/F: Smoking by college students increased in the 1990s.
  48. T/F: Approximately one-third of college students use tobacco products.
  49. T/F: College men and women have nearly identical rates of cigarette smoking. (ANS: "cigarette smoking did not differ by sex" (p. 326).
  50. Cigarette smoking varies greatly by ethnic.  

Notes: You do not have to read beyond page 326.