[Last update 4/4/04]
Hales, D. (2004). Chapter 8: Reproductive Choices in An Invitation to Health (3 ed.) (pp. 172 - 206). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

  1. T/F: Homo sapiens are one of the few species that separate sexual activity from reproduction.
  2. T/F: Both men and women who engage in vaginal intercourse must be able to accept potential physical, emotional, and social consequences of that activity.
  3. T/F: Using birth control (of almost any type) is safer than not using any birth control.
  4. T/F: Unfertilized eggs can survive for two to five days in the female reproductive tract.
  5. T/F: Sperm can survive for two to five days in the female reproductive tract.
  6. T/F: Outercourse is a viable option for preventing pregnancy while still being sexually satisfying for a many people.
  7. T/F: The risks of using birth control pills are greater than those of pregnancy and childbirth.
  8. How does the "mini-pill" differ from a combination oral contraceptive?
  9. Name the injectable hormone used to prevent pregnancy in women.
  10. T/F: Depo-Provera is effective for about 3 months.
  11. T/F: Norplant is a subcutaneous ("under the skin") hormonal implant used to prevent pregnancy.
  12. M/C: All of the following are barrier contraceptive except: (a) condoms (b) the diaphragm (c) vaginal spermicides (d) oral contraceptives.
  13. T/F: The theoretical effectiveness of condoms is higher than the actual rate.
  14. T/F: In actual use, condoms are 80 to 85 percent effective in preventing pregnancy.
  15. T/F: Condoms are second only to the pill in popularity among college-aged adults.
  16. T/F: The condom is the best available defense against HIV infection.
  17. T/F: You should check condoms for leaks by blowing them up before using them.
  18. T/F: The female condom is effective in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  19. T/F: The diaphragms main function is to serve as a receptacle for spermicidal foam or jelly.
  20. T/F: Female barrier contraceptives should be kept in place for at least six hours after intercourse to assure all sperm are killed.
  21. T/F: One of the keys to the proper use of barrier contraceptives is having them available when needed.
  22. T/F: Petroleum-based lubricants (e.g., Vaseline, baby oil) should be avoided when using latex condoms.
  23. T/F: Currently available intra-uterine devices (IUDs) are safe and effective, particularly in monogamous relationships.
  24. Name the two types of IUDs available in the United States.
  25. T/F: Use of IUDs may increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women with multiple sexual partners.
  26. What is the most common form of birth control among married couples in the United States?
  27. M/C: The name of the tube that carries sperm from the testes to the urethra is the (a) scrotum (b) prostate (c) epididymis (d) vas deferens. (It is the tube that is cut when performing a vasectomy.)
  28. Fill in: Surgery to end a person's reproductive capability is called ______________.
  29. Fill in: Female sterilization is called __________________ (two possible answers).
  30. T/F: Fertility awareness methods (e.g., the calendar method) are less relatable than many others.
  31. T/F: Thick cloudy cervical mucous is a sign of ovulation and hence fertility.
  32. T/F: The calendar methods of fertility awareness is also called the rhythm method.
  33. M/C: All of the following are methods of fertility awareness birth control except (a) the basal body temperature method (b) the calendar method (c) condom use (d) the cervical mucus method
  34. M/C: All of the following are methods of after-intercourse contraception except (a) some oral contraceptives taken within 72 hours (b) mifepristone (RU-486) (c) abortion (d) the copper IUD.
  35. T/F: More than half of pregnancies world-wide end in abortion.
  36. T/F: No woman ever elects to be in a situation where she has to consider an abortion.
  37. List some practical and emotional matters that a woman must think through when facing the possibility of an abortion. (See pp. 176-177.)
  38. What is the common name of the drug used to induce medical abortion?
  39. T/F: More than half of surgical abortions are performed with the first 8 weeks of pregnancy and 99% a performed before the 20th week.
  40. T/F: According to Stotland (p. 178 of the text), there is no such thing as "post-abortion trauma syndrome."
  41. What is the name of the landmark Supreme Court ruling that said first semester abortions are protected by privacy laws and second trimester abortions could be performed on the basis of health risks.
  42. T/F: Preconception care, including risk assessment (genetic, medical, an life style), health promotion, and medical interventions to reduce risk are key to preventing pregnancy problems.
  43. Fill in: Pregnancy is typically divided into three-month periods called ________________.
  44. Fill in: Before the fertilized egg embeds in the uterine lining, it is called a ______________. After that point, until the ninth week of gestation, the developing baby is called a _____________________. After the 9th week until term, the developing baby is called a _______________. The special organ that attaches the embryo to the uterus by the umbilical cord is called the _______________. The embryo is suspended in fluid called the _____________ fluid.
  45. T/F: The emotional aspects of pregnancy can be strong, especially when there is a miscarriage.
  46. In this type of complication of pregnancy, the fertilized egg remains in the fallopian tube instead of traveling to the uterus.
  47. T/F: A synonym for a miscarriage (loss of the baby before the 20th week of gestation) is a spontaneous abortion.
  48. T/F: A large percentage of miscarriages occur because of a birth defect in the embryo.
  49. T/F: Ten to twenty percent of pregnancies end in a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  50. M/C: All of the following infections can lead to birth defects except: (a) rubella (b) cytomegalovirus infection (c) sexually transmitted diseases (d) the common cold.



  1. What species is "the sexiest primate"?
  2. List the four components of the demographic and epidemiologic transition of the 20th century. [Ans.]
  3. T/F: According to Dr. G., the text overstates the adverse health risks associated with hormonal birth in nonsmoking women.
  4. Who was Margaret Sanger?
  5. T/F: According to Dr. G., abstinence is a good form of contraception.
  6. T/F: According to Dr. G., outercourse is a good form of contraception.
  7. Combination oral contraceptives are a combination of ______________ and ______________ (name the two hormones).
  8. T/F: According to Dr. G., all mainstream forms of contraception are safer than pregnancy.