Chap 7 REVIEW QUESTIONS (Communication & Sexuality)

[Last update: 4/20/04] 
Hales, D. (2004). Chapter 7: Communication and Sexuality in An Invitation to Health (3 ed.) (pp. 144 - 168). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

  1. Define the following terms: intimacy, dysmenorrhea, circumcision, sexual orientation, celibacy, abstinence, monogamy.
  2. T/F: Your decisions about sex can have profound effects on other people.
  3. T/F: Your decision about sex can have profound effects on your health.
  4. T/F: It is easier to convey and comprehend emotions than information.
  5. T/F: Women are more likely than men to use words that relate to emotions and feelings.
  6. T/F: Women are more likely than men to use modal words (e.g., would, should, could).
  7. T/F: Women are more likely than women to use concrete language.
  8. T/F: Good communication is required for a healthy relationship.
  9. T/F: Friendship has been described as a holy bond.
  10. T/F: Amenorrhea is cessation of menstruations for at least 3 months. {The prefix "a" means "without." The root "men" is used in terms related to female sexual maturity and menstruation.}
  11. T/F: A large amount of communication is nonverbal.
  12. List examples of nonverbal communication. 
  13. T/F: Loyalty and trust are critical in romantic and friendship relationships.
  14. M/C: Although there have been some changes in the images used to portray the "all-American" family over the past 40 years, the all-American family is still often portrayed as (a) upper class African American (b) upper class Caucasian (c) middle class Caucasian, (d) lower class Caucasian
  15. List the three principle components of Sternberg's Love Triangle. {ANS: Intimacy, Passion, Commitment}
  16. M/C: The terms cunnilingus and fellatio refer to: (a) vaginal intercourse (b) oral-genital contact (c) anal-genital contact (d) none of the above.
  17. T/F:? Although divorce rates have dropped slightly in the U.S., divorce still affects almost half of the marriages in the U.S. {The book states 43% of first marriages end in separation or divorce within 15 years, so I would say this is true.}
  18. T/F: The endometrium is the lining of the vagina.
  19. T/F: The clitoris is a small female erectile organ.
  20. T/F: The vagina is the canal that leads to the female internal organs of reproduction.
  21. Be familiar with the anatomical location and physiologic functions of the following female reproductive organs: ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina, labia major, labia minor, clitoris.
  22. Be familiar with the anatomical locations and physiological functions of the following male reproductive organs: scrotum, epididymis, vas deference, prostate, penis, testes, foreskin (prepuce).
  23. T/F: More than half of baby boys in the U.S. are circumcised.
  24. T/F: In men and women, sexual interest peaks around age 30.
  25. Fill in the blank: The surgical removal of the foreskin is called ___________________.
  26. T/F: Lack of circumcision can increase the risk of urinary tract infections early in life and can increase the risk of sexual transmitted disease later on. (Comment: The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend routine neonatal circumcision.)
  27. T/F: The majority of people prefer monogamous, committed sexual relationships to open relationships with multiple sexual partners.
  28. According to the text, is cohabitation (living together before marriage) an effective or ineffective way to prevent divorce?
  29. Besides heterosexuality, name two other sexual orientations.
  30. Fill in: Communicating with your body, hands, posture, and facial expressions is called _______________ communication.
  31. List strategies for how to say "no" to sex. {ANS: Recognize your values and feelings; Try to speak openly; Tell your date you are uncomfortable; Monitor your own sexual signals.}