Errata and Notes

xvii - I have forgotten to express my appreciation to Kevin Sullivan of Emory University for his insights, comments, and helpful corrections.

p. 5, Table 1.3 -- the heading in column 2 should  says "1990" instead of "1900".

p. 17, quotation from Lilienfeld, 1978a, p. 522: Not a correction per se, but more of a notation: Lilienfeld (1978a) cites the source of the quotation in his footnote 87 as J Public Health 1855, 1: 1-17. I retrieved the journal in question and could not find the text as quoted.  I contacted Dr. Lilienfeld (July 11, 2006 letter), and he could not clarify the problem, citing the long time that has passed since his research. Here an equally good description of the objectives of epidemiology as described by the Epidemiologic Society of London (source: p. 640 in Babington. (1850). Epidemiological Society. Monday, Dec. 2, 1850.--Dr. Babington, President. Lancet, 2, 639-642): 

" endeavour, by the light of modern science, to review all those causes which result in the manifestation and spread of epidemic diseases--to discover causes at present unknown, and investigate those which are ill understood--to collect together facts, on which scientific researches may be securely based--to remove errors which impeded their progress--and thus, as far as we are able, having made ourselves thoroughly acquainted with the strongholds of our enemies, and their modes of attack, to suggest those means by which their invasion may either be prevented, or if, in spite of our existence, they may have broken in upon us, to seek how they may be most effectually combated and expelled." 

p. 35, Table 2.1 -- the incubation for Staphylococcal food poisoning should be 2-4  "hours" instead of "days".

p. 36, para. 3rd -- "import" should read "important"

p. 43 -- p. 43, para 3, third line should it read "the causal complement of factor C is (A + B)" as opposed to "...C is (A + C)"?

p. 44, para. 2, 2nd sentence, "catabolism" should be "metabolism"

p. 44, para. 5, line 1 -- "change interconnectedness of casual" to "change interconnectedness of causal"

p. 83, para 3, first line: If the accuracy of the data collection method are is suspect (Source of correction: James T. Lee)

p. 84, section title, not a correction, per se: Change section 4.3 title from "Validity" to "Sensitivity, Specificity, and Predictive Value"

p. 128, Table 6.1. Change the heading of the second column from “Per 10,000” to “Per 100,000”. 

p. 131, third line from bottom: replace N = 10 with "delta"t = 10

p. 134, Formula 6.15  -- In the next edition, simply Formula 6.15 to "no. of cases / no. of people in the population"

p. 137, exercise 6.2. Change 95 to 950.

p. 138, exercise 6.4(C): Change Immigration to Emigration.

p. 140, under 6.7  (B), line 3 -- delete "of"

p. 146, Table 7.5, column 2. "5642" should be "564"

p. 152, Table 7.13, first row, third column: "170,00" should be "170,000" (Annemarie Baker, 12/7/08)

p. 164 Table 8.5 -- The heading for the second column should read "Lung Cancer Mortality (per 100,000 person-years")

p. 179 Answer to Exercise 9.2 should be II. A.1.a. The "a" is needed to identify the study as cohort (as opposed to case-control).

p. 180 Answer to 9.6 should indicate I.A. to show that it is a randomized trial.

p. 196, Table 11.2, text below table. Change 13,041 / 13217 = 9.9% to 1304 / 13217 = 9/9%

p. 199, para 2: Marriage before the age of 20 ("too early marriages") have has an aggravating influence 

p. 200 (line 15): The sentence "Goldberger based his beliefs .. .germs would not distinguish..." is unclear. Reword this sentence to read " Goldberger based his beliefs on the fact that germs would not distinguish between inmates and employees of hospitals and orphanages, yet he saw a clear preference for in inmates." (Source of correction: Tim Landers)

p. 208, para 5, line 4: Change "arouse" to "arose" (Source of correction: James T. Lee, 12/20/2007)

p. 232, half-way down, the text says “In addition, some epidemiologists add: … 3. The confounder is not intermediate…”. Delete "In addition, some epidemiologists add:" and just add point 3 to the end of the list of properties. Property #3 seems mandatory.

p. 240 Illustrative Example (Prevalence of Smoking) ... sample of n = 57, A=17, p-hat =15/57 = .298, q-hat = 1 - 298 = .702..." should be A = 17, p-hat = 17 / 57= .298, q-hat = 1 - .298=.702... (Thank you Tim Landers!)

p. 290, Table 16.1, "Scrolal" should be "Scrotal"

p. 249 (line 28) In the sentence "A flexible two-sided statement of the alternate hypothesis..." change the word "flexible" to "all purpose"

p. 291, para 2: Although a detailed discussion of the doctrines involved in scientific lines of inquiry are is (Source of correction: James T. Lee, 12/20/2007)

p. 292, para. 4, line 2: states that sequences of past events is are no guarantor of (Source of correction: James T. Lee, 12/20/2007)

p. 318, paragraph 1. Add the following: It should also be noted that WinPepi's COMPARE2's module H3 is capable of calculating logrank statistics that are  algebraically equivalent to the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test. In addition, the H3 module produces advances statistics comparing the survival data  including the calculation of a proportional hazards "relative risk."