Review Questions for Chapter 10 

  1. What does the French word trier mean? 
  2. What distinguishes an experimental study from an observational study?
  3. Distinguish between clinical trials, field trials, and community trials. 
  4. Define each of these words: randomized, controlled, double-blinded.
  5. Was Lind's historical study of scurvy (e.g., Table 10.1, p. 183) a randomized trial? 
  6. Was Par�s study of the treatment of wounds (pp. 183 - 184) a true experiment?
  7. Why is it important to observe the control group under the same conditions as the treatment group?
  8. This phrase refers to improvement related to the observation itself.
  9. What is the placebo effect?
  10. How does randomization reduce confounding?
  11. What are admissibility criteria? How do admissibility criteria mitigate confounding?
  12. List the three principle guidelines of the Belmont Report (p. 187).
  13. What is equipoise?
  14. What is informed consent?
  15. What is an IRB?
  16. How does intention-to-treat analysis differ from treatment-received analysis?
  17. Provide a synonym for intention-to-treat analysis
