
  1. Needs and current status (discussion), status of unix accounts and passwords 
  2. Types of websites (illustrative examples)
    1. Traditional (www.sjsu.edu/faculty/gerstman or www.sjsu.edu/~gerstman) - reside on sjsu unix server; need unix account; I'll set up your URL once you give me your ID and password
    2. "Web wizard" (http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty_and_staff/faculty_detail.jsp?id=142; http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty_and_staff/faculty_detail.jsp?id=101) - also reside on unix server; no unix account needed; apply by clicking here
    3. WebCT (http://courses5.webct.com/public/hs161bg/) - request shell via http://online.sjsu.edu/; excellent tools, but will cost approx $50 per students per course!); resides on WebCT server (on east coast) 
  3.  Strategy: learn web basics on a traditional website; use any of the above types of websites, as needed
  4. Some basics
    1. Naming conventions - case sensitive; no spaces; automatic boot of index.htm in any directory
    2. Directory names and paths
    3. Recommendation - build site on PC (or Mac) and upload periodically
      1. Use html generator such as FrontPage to write page
      2. Use Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) to manage files on hard drive (copy, delete, rename files)
      3. Upload and manage files on the server with WS_FTP (recommend LE version): available at http://www.ftpplanet.com/download.htm
    4. Upload site: ftp.sjsu.edu - load into users/updates/faculty/lname (demos)
      1. MkDir
      2. Sort by Name 
      3. Sort by Name 
      4. Upload (-->)
      5. Download (<--)
  5. Page basics
    1. Header (File > Properties > Basics)
    2. Background (Format > Background > Background Picture)
    3. Absolute vs. relative links (demonstration)

File management
